<span style="font–family: Arial; color: black;">The CANDE (Computer–Aided Network DEsign) Committee is a technical activity of the <a href="http://www.ieee–cas.org/">IEEE Circuits and Systems Society</a> and<a href="http://www.ieee–ceda.org/"> IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation</a> which acts as a working group for electronic computer–aided design. The CANDE Committee holds a yearly workshop to discuss advanced issues relevant to the CAD community. The workshop brings together practitioners, researchers, and managers from industry and academia. To encourage long–range and open discussion, no proceedings are published and no recordings of sessions are allowed. CANDE community members take an active part in identifying topics and organizing sessions. Planning sessions for the workshop are held at DAC and ICCAD each year. Attendance at the CANDE workshop is open to all EDA/CAD professionals. Members of the CAD community are encouraged to contact the chair for more information.</span>
CANDE Workshop
Beach Resort in Monterey
United States
Start Date
End Date