Deadline Paper
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<pre>The SBMF series of meetings has established an excellent international<br>reputation as a venue for the presentation of the latest in formal<br>techniques&#046; It has a strong regional focus and identity, as the<br>national meeting for formal methods research and practice, with the<br>highest quality rating from the Brazilian research agencies&#046; It<br>attracts speakers and participants from around the world, from both<br>academia and industry&#046; Its proceedings are published in Springer&#8242;s<br>LNCS&#046;<br>SBMF 2010 is the fourteenth meeting in the series, and the second to be<br>held in Natal, a major tourist destination with excellent facilities<br>and communications&#046;<br>Proposals for the organisation of satellite events are now invited&#046;<br>The proposed events should fall broadly within the established scope of<br>SBMF: that is, they should address the design or application of formal,<br>soundly&#8211;based techniques for the development of high&#8211;quality systems&#046;<br>They may focus upon particular aspects of theory or practice, upon a<br>particular method or application domain, or they may be based around a<br>theme of particular relevance to an SBMF audience&#046;<br>Researchers or practitioners wishing to organise a satellite event are<br>invited to submit proposals in PDF or Postscript format by email to the<br>SBMF 2010 chair &#8211; sbmf2010@gmail&#046;com &#8211; on or before the 14th of<br>November 2009&#046; Proposers will be notified of the decision of the<br>steering committee on or before the 30th of November&#046;<br>Proposals<br>A proposal should be no more than 4 pages in length, and should include<br>a short CV of the event chair or lead organiser&#046; It should explain:<br>the name of the event (and any acronym); names and contact details of<br>the organisers; the topic or theme, and its relevance to SBMF; event<br>format, including its duration; expected number of participants; local<br>support requirements&#046; If papers are to be invited, the proposal should<br>explain the schedule for submission and notification, the means of<br>evaluation, and any plans for publication&#046; If there is a programme or<br>organisation committee, the proposal should list the names of those<br>involved&#046; In assessing each proposal, the steering committee will<br>consider relevance to an SBMF audience as well as the likely quality of<br>the event itself&#046;<br>Arrangements<br>All participants, including chairs and organisers, will be required to<br>register also for the main SBMF conference&#046; An additional fee will be<br>charged for participation at a satellite event, set by the general<br>chair of SBMF&#046; The organisers of SBMF will be responsible for<br>providing local, logistical support: meeting rooms, presentation<br>facilities, refreshments, and internet access&#046; The organisers of the<br>satellite event will be responsible for: event publicity; handling of<br>submissions; production of proceedings; financial support for invited<br>speakers, authors, or organisers; special transportation facilities, if<br>required by workshop participants&#046; Event organisers should be ready to<br>provide material for inclusion in the main SBMF website, and to produce<br>an extended abstract for inclusion in the main SBMF proceedings&#046;</pre>