<p> The TOOLS 2010 federated conferences will take place in Málaga, Spain, from Monday June 28 to Friday July 2, 2010. They will be held at the premises of the <a href="http://www.informatica.uma.es/" target="_blank">School of Informatics</a> of the <a href="http://www.infouma.uma.es/web_ingles/" target="_blank">University of Málaga</a>. </p> <p> The TOOLS series of conferences is devoted to all modern approaches to Software Development. This will be the third year that TOOLS happens as a federated event, bringing together a set of conferences that encompass a broad range of topics related to Software Development, while keeping the traditional TOOLS spirit of technical excellence, practicality, combination of theory and applications, and reliance on the best experts from academia and industry. </p> <p>The 2010 edition is a confederation of four major annual conferences (TOOLS Europe, ICMT, SC and TAP) and will uphold that spirit. In addition, a number of satellite Workshops will be held in conjunction with the main conferences, making TOOLS the premier forum for academic and industrial researches working on areas related to Software Development, and the perfect venue for exchanging ideas and experiences around these topics. </p> <p> The TOOLS 2010 conferences are organized by the <a href="http://www.lcc.uma.es/LCC?–f=indexlang.lcc&am…; target="_blank">Department of Computer Science</a> of the University of Málaga, in co–operation with the <a href="http://www.ethz.ch/index_EN" target="_blank">ETH</a>, Zurich. The conferences proceedings will be published by Springer. </p> <p>In addition, a wide social program has been prepared to help all participants enjoy the visit as much as possible, also with the goal of fostering the cross–fertilization between the different communities. </p> <p> We would like to warmly welcome you at <a href="http://www.malagaturismo.com/jsp/malagapractica/situacion…; target="_blank">Málaga</a> for this TOOLS 2010 experience. </p>
TOOLS Europe
Deadline Paper
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End Date