<p align="JUSTIFY"> <font face="Arial" size="2"> The <b>8th IEEE International NEWCAS Conference</b> will be held in Montreal, Canada, during the week of June 20 – 23, 2010 at the Marriott Chateau Champlain Hotel. The venue is located in the heart of the city within walking distance from Ste–Catherine Street, the main artery of downtown Montreal at the core of its commercial and rich cultural life. The date of the conference has been carefully selected to allow the participants to enjoy the celebration of the St–Jean Baptiste, Québec’s national day, shortly followed by Montreal’s International Jazz festival. </font></p><p align="JUSTIFY"> <font face="Arial" size="2"> This edition of NEWCAS is organized by researchers from the Microsystems strategic alliance of Quebec (ReSMiQ), the Analog Data and Signal Processing and its Applications Symposium (TAISA) and The Low–Voltage–Low–Power Symposium (FTFC). The program of the conference will be tailored to reflect the wide spectrum of topics and research interest shared among the organizing entities. This collaboration will be oriented towards advanced research in Microsystems which constitutes the highlights of the NEWCAS conference but also topics related to analog and digital signal processing, low power consumption, and circuits and systems designs. </font></p><p align="JUSTIFY"> <font face="Arial" size="2"> The topics include but are not limited to: </font></p><ul><font face="Arial" size="2"> <li>Computer architecture and memories</li> <li>Digital, analog and mixed–signal circuit design</li> <li>Test and verification</li> <li>Data and signal processing</li> <li>Microsystems, sensors and actuators</li> <li>CAD and design tools</li> <li>Telecommunications, microwaves and RF</li> <li>Neural networks and artificial vision</li> <li>Low–Power circuits and systems techniques</li> <li>Embedded hand–held devices</li> <li>Imaging & image sensors</li> <li>Harvesting / Scavenging Energy</li> <li>Biomedical circuits & systems</li> </font></ul>
Deadline Paper
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