Anaheim Convention Center
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<p><span id="ctl00_Center_Content_Placeholder__lblEventAbstract">DSNOC is a workshop devoted to Diagnostic Services in Network&#8211;on&#8211;Chips&#046; DSNOC’10 is the fourth edition of this workshop and is organized in conjunction with the 47th ACM/EDAC/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)&#046;</span></p> <p><span id="ctl00_Center_Content_Placeholder__lblEventAbstract">Network&#8211;on&#8211;Chips (NoCs) are settling as a new on&#8211;chip communication paradigm&#046; Diagnostic services, such as test, debug, and on&#8211;line monitoring, are becoming important factors in designing next&#8211;generation NoC&#8211;based systems&#046; The NoC infrastructure itself requires diagnostic services, and can also be used to support those for the entire system&#046; Although significant research has been done in NoC design, there are many open and pressing issues regarding diagnostic services&#046; The focus of this workshop is to explore them and their implications on system design&#046; </span></p> <span>Submissions are invited in the form of extended abstracts not exceeding 2 pages in IEEE conference style and must be submitted as PDF file to &lt;<a href="mailto:submissions@dsnoc&#046;org">submissions@dsnoc&#046;org</a>&gt; no later than <strong>March 26, 2010</strong>&#046;</span><span> Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work to a special issue of the Microprocessors and Microsystems Journal (MICPRO), printed by Elsevier&#046;</span>