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<p style="text&#8211;align: justify;">This Symposium explores emerging trends and novel ideas and concepts in the area of VLSI&#046; The Symposium covers a range of topics: from VLSI circuits, systems and design methods to system level design and system&#8211;on&#8211;chip issues, to bringing VLSI experience to new areas and technologies like nano&#8211; and molecular devices, MEMS, and quantum computing&#046; Future design methodologies will also be one of the key topics at the workshop, as well as new CAD tools to support them&#046; Over almost two decades the symposium has been an unique forum promoting multidisciplinary research and new visionary approaches in the area of VLSI&#046; The Symposium is bringing together leading scientists and researchers from academia and industry&#046; The papers from this symposium have been published as the special issues of top archival journals&#046; This fact indicates a very high quality of the sympo&#8211;sium papers, and we are determined to keep a strong emphasis on this critical aspect of any conference&#046; The symposium proceedings are published by IEEE Computer Society Press&#046;<br>Several leading scientist from newly emerging areas of nanoelectronics, MEMS and molecular, biological and quantum computing will be invited speakers at the symposium&#046; The Symposium has established a reputation in bringing well&#8211;known international scientists as invited speakers, and this trend will continue&#046;</p> <h3>Contributions are sought in the following areas</h3> <p style="text&#8211;align: justify;">Emerging Trends in VLSI, Nanoelectronics, Molecular, Biological and Quantum Computing&#046; MEMS, VLSI Circuits and Systems, Field&#8211;programmable and Reconfigurable Systems, System Level Design, System&#8211;on&#8211;a&#8211;Chip Design, Application&#8211;Specific Low Power, VLSI System Design, System Issues in Complexity, Low Power, Heat Dissipation, Power Awareness in VLSI Design, Test and Verification, Mixed&#8211;Signal Design and Analysis, Electrical/Packaging Co&#8211;Design, Physical Design, Intellectual property creating and sharing&#046;<br>The Symposium Program will include contributed papers and speakers invited by the Program Committee, as well as a poster session&#046; The keynote addresses, panels and special sessions are planned as well&#046; Authors should send a PDF version of their papers through the web based submission site, as described on the symposium website&#046;</p>