<P>The International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD) offers a place for CAD developers and IC designers to meet and exchange ideas about the problems and solutions in the era of system–on–a–chip. <B></B></P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> </P> <P>1) SYNTHESIS, VERIFICATION AND PHYSICAL DESIGN<BR>1.1 Logic Synthesis: Synthesis, technology mapping. Refinement techniques. Direct compilation and post–optimization. Micro–architectural transformations. Memory system synthesis.<BR>1.2 Simulation and Formal Verification:<BR>Formal verification techniques. HW/SW co–simulation. Switch, logic and behavioral simulation, and design validation. Protocol and interface design for correctness. Software verification. Emulation. Hybrid Systems.<BR>1.3 Partitioning, Placement and Floorplanning:<BR>High–level physical design and synthesis. Estimation and hierarchy management. Partitioning, floor–planning and global placement. Detailed and incremental placement.<BR>1.4 Routing and Detailed Physical Design:<BR>Detailed routing, including routing for yield, manufacturability, and timing. Post–placement layout optimization.<BR>1.5 Optimization in Physical Design:<BR>Optimization for area, timing, power, and yield. Interaction between physical design and logic synthesis.</P> <P>2) CAD FOR SYSTEMS<BR>2.1 System Design and Optimization:<BR>HW/SW co–optimization and co–exploration. Multi–core/multi–processor systems (heterogeneous, homogeneous, reconfigurable). On–chip communication optimization. HW/SW platforms.<BR>2.2 Embedded Systems:<BR>Embedded and programmable systems. Real–time software and RTOS. Reuse techniques. Rapid prototyping, CAD for FPGA.<BR>2.3 Power Considerations in System Design:<BR>System–level power estimation, analysis and optimization.<BR>2.4 Mixed Technology/Domain Systems:<BR>System level analysis of thermal, reliability, aging, NBTI, electromigration, wearout, etc., effects in mixed technologies and physical domains (eg., MEMS, electro–optical). System issues in 3D integration.<BR>2.5 Reliable and Alternative Systems:<BR>Design techniques for achieving reliability, resilience and robustness from unreliable components. Regular circuits, structured ASICs. Novel trends and perspectives in system–level design, with emphasis on power, software, performance and configurability: SoC, SiP, 3–D integration, programmable and reconfigurable platforms.</P> <P>3) CAD FOR MANUFACTURING AND TEST<BR>3.1 Design for Manufacturability:<BR>CAD for the design/manufacturing interface, CAD support for OPC and RET, variability analysis, yield estimation. Manufacturable layout.<BR>3.2 Testing:<BR>Fault modeling, delay test, analog and mixed signal test. Fault simulation. ATPG. BIST and DFT. Memory test and repair. Technology impact on test.</P> <P>4) CAD FOR CIRCUITS, DEVICES AND INTERCONNECT<BR>4.1 Analog, Mixed–Signal, RF and Multi–domain Simulation:<BR>Numerical methods for analog, mixed–signal, RF, multi–domain (MEMS, nanoelectronic, optoelectronic, biological, etc.) network and system simulation. Nonlinear model reduction and computational macromodeling. Fast analysis of large–scale circuits and systems. Computer–aided analysis, design, and simulation of electronic and mixed–domain devices including semiconductor, nanoelectronic, micromechanical, and electro–optical devices. Compact device modeling and modeling of device variability.<BR>4.2 Timing and Behavioral Modeling:<BR>Gate, switch and block level modeling. Timing analysis and methodologies including statistical timing. Current–source modeling. Behavioral modeling of circuits and systems.<BR>4.3 Interconnect and Power Networks:<BR>Network–level power/ground and package analysis and optimization. Reduced order modeling of interconnect and linear time invariant networks. Signal integrity analysis. Interconnect parameter extraction. Electromagnetic simulation and package analysis. EMC/EMI simulation techniques.</P> <P>5) CAD FOR NANOSCALE AND BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS<BR>5.1 Biological Systems:<BR>Computer–aided analysis techniques for biological systems –biomolecular, intracellular, cellular, organ and organism level. Analysis and design of synthetic biological systems. Multi–scale biological systems, systems biology.<BR>5.2 Nanoscale and Post–CMOS Systems: Analysis, synthesis and design methods for novel devices (eg., quantum, molecular, spin–based) and systems centered about future nanotechnologies. Bio–electronic devices and systems.</P> <P>.</P>
San Jose
United States
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