San Jose
United States
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<P>The International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD) offers a place for CAD developers and IC designers to meet and exchange ideas about the problems and solutions in the era of system&#8211;on&#8211;a&#8211;chip&#046; <B></B></P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> </P> <P>1) SYNTHESIS, VERIFICATION AND PHYSICAL DESIGN<BR>1&#046;1 Logic Synthesis: Synthesis, technology mapping&#046; Refinement techniques&#046; Direct compilation and post&#8211;optimization&#046; Micro&#8211;architectural transformations&#046; Memory system synthesis&#046;<BR>1&#046;2 Simulation and Formal Verification:<BR>Formal verification techniques&#046; HW/SW co&#8211;simulation&#046; Switch, logic and behavioral simulation, and design validation&#046; Protocol and interface design for correctness&#046; Software verification&#046; Emulation&#046; Hybrid Systems&#046;<BR>1&#046;3 Partitioning, Placement and Floorplanning:<BR>High&#8211;level physical design and synthesis&#046; Estimation and hierarchy management&#046; Partitioning, floor&#8211;planning and global placement&#046; Detailed and incremental placement&#046;<BR>1&#046;4 Routing and Detailed Physical Design:<BR>Detailed routing, including routing for yield, manufacturability, and timing&#046; Post&#8211;placement layout optimization&#046;<BR>1&#046;5 Optimization in Physical Design:<BR>Optimization for area, timing, power, and yield&#046; Interaction between physical design and logic synthesis&#046;</P> <P>2) CAD FOR SYSTEMS<BR>2&#046;1 System Design and Optimization:<BR>HW/SW co&#8211;optimization and co&#8211;exploration&#046; Multi&#8211;core/multi&#8211;processor systems (heterogeneous, homogeneous, reconfigurable)&#046; On&#8211;chip communication optimization&#046; HW/SW platforms&#046;<BR>2&#046;2 Embedded Systems:<BR>Embedded and programmable systems&#046; Real&#8211;time software and RTOS&#046; Reuse techniques&#046; Rapid prototyping, CAD for FPGA&#046;<BR>2&#046;3 Power Considerations in System Design:<BR>System&#8211;level power estimation, analysis and optimization&#046;<BR>2&#046;4 Mixed Technology/Domain Systems:<BR>System level analysis of thermal, reliability, aging, NBTI, electromigration, wearout, etc&#046;, effects in mixed technologies and physical domains (eg&#046;, MEMS, electro&#8211;optical)&#046; System issues in 3D integration&#046;<BR>2&#046;5 Reliable and Alternative Systems:<BR>Design techniques for achieving reliability, resilience and robustness from unreliable components&#046; Regular circuits, structured ASICs&#046; Novel trends and perspectives in system&#8211;level design, with emphasis on power, software, performance and configurability: SoC, SiP, 3&#8211;D integration, programmable and reconfigurable platforms&#046;</P> <P>3) CAD FOR MANUFACTURING AND TEST<BR>3&#046;1 Design for Manufacturability:<BR>CAD for the design/manufacturing interface, CAD support for OPC and RET, variability analysis, yield estimation&#046; Manufacturable layout&#046;<BR>3&#046;2 Testing:<BR>Fault modeling, delay test, analog and mixed signal test&#046; Fault simulation&#046; ATPG&#046; BIST and DFT&#046; Memory test and repair&#046; Technology impact on test&#046;</P> <P>4) CAD FOR CIRCUITS, DEVICES AND INTERCONNECT<BR>4&#046;1 Analog, Mixed&#8211;Signal, RF and Multi&#8211;domain Simulation:<BR>Numerical methods for analog, mixed&#8211;signal, RF, multi&#8211;domain (MEMS, nanoelectronic, optoelectronic, biological, etc&#046;) network and system simulation&#046; Nonlinear model reduction and computational macromodeling&#046; Fast analysis of large&#8211;scale circuits and systems&#046; Computer&#8211;aided analysis, design, and simulation of electronic and mixed&#8211;domain devices including semiconductor, nanoelectronic, micromechanical, and electro&#8211;optical devices&#046; Compact device modeling and modeling of device variability&#046;<BR>4&#046;2 Timing and Behavioral Modeling:<BR>Gate, switch and block level modeling&#046; Timing analysis and methodologies including statistical timing&#046; Current&#8211;source modeling&#046; Behavioral modeling of circuits and systems&#046;<BR>4&#046;3 Interconnect and Power Networks:<BR>Network&#8211;level power/ground and package analysis and optimization&#046; Reduced order modeling of interconnect and linear time invariant networks&#046; Signal integrity analysis&#046; Interconnect parameter extraction&#046; Electromagnetic simulation and package analysis&#046; EMC/EMI simulation techniques&#046;</P> <P>5) CAD FOR NANOSCALE AND BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS<BR>5&#046;1 Biological Systems:<BR>Computer&#8211;aided analysis techniques for biological systems &#8211;biomolecular, intracellular, cellular, organ and organism level&#046; Analysis and design of synthetic biological systems&#046; Multi&#8211;scale biological systems, systems biology&#046;<BR>5&#046;2 Nanoscale and Post&#8211;CMOS Systems: Analysis, synthesis and design methods for novel devices (eg&#046;, quantum, molecular, spin&#8211;based) and systems centered about future nanotechnologies&#046; Bio&#8211;electronic devices and systems&#046;</P> <P>&#046;</P>