Deadline Paper
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<SPAN class=Apple&#8211;style&#8211;span style="WORD&#8211;SPACING: 0px; FONT: medium &#8242;Times New Roman&#8242;; TEXT&#8211;TRANSFORM: none; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0); TEXT&#8211;INDENT: 0px; WHITE&#8211;SPACE: normal; LETTER&#8211;SPACING: normal; BORDER&#8211;COLLAPSE: separate; orphans: 2; widows: 2"><PRE>PACT is a multi&#8211;disciplinary conference that brings together<BR>researchers from the hardware and software areas to present<BR>ground&#8211;breaking research related to parallel systems ranging across<BR>instruction&#8211;level parallelism, thread&#8211;level parallelism,<BR>multiprocessor parallelism and large scale systems&#046;<BR><BR>PACT solicits novel, unpublished papers on a broad range of topics<BR>that include, but are not limited to, the following:<BR>* Parallel architectures and computational models<BR>* Multicore, multithreaded, superscalar, VLIW and GPU architectures<BR>* Scalability and system architecture for parallel systems<BR>* Compilers and tools for parallel computer systems<BR>* Compiler exploitation of data&#8211; and thread&#8211;level parallelism<BR>* Generating parallel code for domain&#8211;specific languages<BR>* Support for concurrency correctness in hardware and software<BR>* Compiler/hardware support for managing memory hierarchies<BR>* Hardware and software support for power/heat&#8211;aware parallel computing<BR>* Parallel accelerators and reconfigurable computing<BR>* Dynamic translation and optimization for parallel systems<BR>* I/O issues in parallel computing and their relation to applications<BR>* Parallel programming languages, algorithms and applications<BR>* Middleware and run&#8211;time system support for parallel computing<BR>* Reliability and fault tolerance for parallel systems<BR>* Modeling and simulation of parallel systems and applications<BR>* Parallel applications and experimental systems studies<BR>* Case studies of parallel systems and applications<BR>* Non&#8211;traditional parallel computing systems topics<BR><BR>Paper submissions should not exceed 22 pages, and should be submitted<BR>electronically, in PDF format using the PACT2010 submission web<BR>site&#046; All submissions should be blind&#046; The review process will include<BR>a rebuttal period&#046; Please refer to the PACT2010 web site for detailed<BR>instructions&#046;<BR><BR>Workshop and tutorial proposals are also solicited and should be<BR>submitted to the Workshops and Tutorial Chair by April 3, 2010&#046; Please<BR>refer to the PACT2010 web site for detailed instructions&#046;</PRE></SPAN>