Deadline Paper
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<span class="Apple&#8211;style&#8211;span" style="border&#8211;collapse: separate; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font&#8211;family: &#8242;Times New Roman&#8242;; font&#8211;style: normal; font&#8211;variant: normal; font&#8211;weight: normal; letter&#8211;spacing: normal; line&#8211;height: normal; orphans: 2; text&#8211;indent: 0px; text&#8211;transform: none; white&#8211;space: normal; widows: 2; word&#8211;spacing: 0px; font&#8211;size: medium;"><pre>Software Engineering is concerned with the analysis, design,<br>implementation, testing, and maintenance of software systems&#046; Automated<br>software engineering focuses on how to automate these tasks in order to<br>achieve improvements in quality and productivity&#046; Tool support,<br>therefore, is central to this&#046;<br>The 25th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering<br>invites high&#8211;quality submissions for its tool demonstrations track&#046;<br>The ASE tool demonstrations track provides an opportunity for<br>researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent<br>advances, experiences, and challenges in the field of automated<br>software engineering with the goal of allowing live presentation of new<br>research tools&#046; Tools can range from research prototypes to in&#8211;house or<br>pre&#8211;commercialized products&#046;<br>The tool demonstrations are intended to highlight underlying scientific<br>contributions&#046; Whereas a regular research paper is intended to give the<br>background information and point out the scientific contribution of a<br>new software engineering approach, the tool demonstration paper<br>provides a good opportunity to show how the scientific approach has<br>been transferred into a working tool&#046; Authors of regular research<br>papers are thus encouraged to submit an accompanying tool demonstration<br>paper&#046;<br>The Tool Demonstration Committee will review each submission to assess<br>the relevance and quality of the proposed tool demonstration in terms<br>of originality, soundness, presentation, and appropriate consideration<br>of related literature&#046;<br>Please forward this call to anyone who might be interested&#046;<br></pre></span><br class="Apple&#8211;interchange&#8211;newline">