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<span class="Apple&#8211;style&#8211;span" style="border&#8211;collapse: separate; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font&#8211;family: &#8242;Times New Roman&#8242;; font&#8211;style: normal; font&#8211;variant: normal; font&#8211;weight: normal; letter&#8211;spacing: normal; line&#8211;height: normal; orphans: 2; text&#8211;indent: 0px; text&#8211;transform: none; white&#8211;space: normal; widows: 2; word&#8211;spacing: 0px; font&#8211;size: medium;"><span class="Apple&#8211;style&#8211;span" style="border&#8211;collapse: collapse; font&#8211;family: Lucida,Verdana,sans&#8211;serif; font&#8211;size: 13px;"><p style="padding&#8211;top: 5px; padding&#8211;right: 15px;">The 4th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event&#8211;Based Systems (DEBS) builds on the success of first three editions from 2007&#046; DEBS Conference success is rooted in five editions of the DEBS workshops held from 2002 to 2006 in companion with major conferences such as ICDCS, ICSE, and SIGMOD/PODS&#046; The conference has received full ACM sponsorship since 2009&#046;</p><p style="padding&#8211;top: 5px; padding&#8211;right: 15px;">The objectives of the DEBS Conference are to provide a forum dedicated to the dissemination of original research, the discussion of practical insights, and the reporting on relevant experience relating to event&#8211;based computing that was previously scattered across several scientific and professional communities&#046; The conference also aims at providing a forum for academia and industry to exchange ideas, for example, through industry papers and demo papers&#046;</p><p style="padding&#8211;top: 5px; padding&#8211;right: 15px;">The venue for the 2010 edition will be the prestigious<span class="Apple&#8211;converted&#8211;space"> </span><a href="http://www&#046;kings&#046;cam&#046;ac&#046;uk/visit/index&#046;html&qu…; style="color: rgb(101, 126, 159); text&#8211;decoration: none;">King&#8242;s College</a><span class="Apple&#8211;converted&#8211;space"> </span>in Cambridge, UK which is one of the most beautiful colleges in Cambridge and also has become a symbol of the city&#046;</p></span></span>