<pre>Software Reengineering comprises all activities that aim at<br>examination and alteration of software systems to reconstitute<br>them in a new form. In a broader sense it also covers maintenance and<br>evolution of software systems.<br>The main goal of the Workshop Software Reengineering (WSR) is to<br>bring together different working groups from academia and industry<br>that work in the fields of software reengineering and maintenance.<br>Everyone working in this field is invited to present his/her current<br>activities or results. Practitioners′ experience reports are as<br>welcome as reports on scientific projects and results.<br>Possible topics include (but are not limited to):<br>Methods and process models<br>* Methods and models for software reengineering and maintenance<br>* Process models for software renovation, migration, and maintenance<br>* Embedding reengineering activities into software development<br>Reengineering tools<br>* Tools for program comprehension, redocumentation, software<br>visualization, static and dynamic program analysis, software<br>testing, software maintenance, and program transformation<br>* Interoperability between software reengineering and<br>development tools<br>Software migration<br>* Migration strategies and transformation approaches<br>* Migration to service–oriented architectures (SOA)<br>* Migration to product line architectures<br>Architecture reengineering<br>* Architecture reconstruction, assessment, migration<br>* Roadmaps for software and data architectures<br>* Reengineering for the transitions in Enterprise Architecture<br>Software Quality<br>* Quality criteria on maintainability and testability<br>* Estimation and certification of software systems for<br>maintainability<br>Economical aspects of reengineering<br>* Organizational aspects of reengineering projects<br>* Business value analysis of reengineering propositions<br>* Quality monitoring of reengineering actions<br>* Effort estimation for reengineering projects<br>Experience reports<br>* Experience reports on maintenance activities,<br>migration and reengineering projects<br>* Empirical studies on successful tool usage and<br>maintenance benefits<br>Tool demos<br>==========<br>You are invited to demonstrate your software reengineering tool.<br>Please register your tool demo, giving the name, manufacturer,<br>and a short description (3 sentences) by sending an email to<br>wsr at uni–koblenz.de. Deadline is April 23, 2010.<br>In case of too many registrations, the organizers will have to<br>perform a selection.<br></pre>
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