European Nanoelectronics Forum
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ENIAC was established in 2004 as the <a href="http://www&#046;eniac&#046;eu/web/platform/local_index&#046;php"><span style="font&#8211;weight: bold;">Technology Platform for Nanoelectronics</span></a>&#046; Its main goal was to define common research and innovation priorities to ensure a truly competitive nanoelectronics industry in Europe&#046; To attain such an objective, ENIAC invested intensive efforts to bring together the key players in nanoelectronics research by gathering within the Platform the main European industrial groups and research organisations, setting up the ENIAC Scientific Community Council to ensure representation of Universities, and encouraging the participation inENIAC of Small and Medium enterprises through national platforms&#046;<br>ENIAC Stakeholders actively contributed to the definition of the ENIAC Strategic Research Agenda, first published in 2005, with an update released in 2006 and a full revision in 2007&#046; Its purpose is to align the efforts of the European R&amp;D performers in nanoelectronics research along a common roadmap in order to optimise the effectiveness of investments, and increase potential funding&#046;