PrimeLife /IFIP Summer School
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date

<font size="2">After the success of the 2009 PrimeLife/IFIP Summer School, the European project PrimeLife and IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing, Working Groups 9&#046;2, 9&#046;6/11&#046;7 11&#046;4, 11&#046;6) will continue their joint cooperation&#046; This year they will hold an International Summer School on the topic of <strong>Privacy and Identity Management for Emerging Internet Applications throughout a Person&#8242;s Lifetime&#046; </strong><br>Emerging Internet Applications, such as Web 2&#046;0 applications and cloud computing, increasingly pose privacy dilemmas&#046; When they communicate over the Internet, individuals leave trails of personal data which may be stored for many years to come&#046; In recent years, social network sites, where users tend to disclose very intimate personal details about their personal, social, and professional lives, have caused serious privacy concerns&#046; The collaborative character of the Internet enables anyone to compose services and distribute information&#046; Due to the low costs and technical advances of storage technologies, masses of personal data can easily be stored&#046; Once disclosed, this data may be retained forever and be removed with difficulty&#046; It has become hard for individuals to manage and control the release and use of information that concerns them&#046; They may particularly find it difficult to eliminate outdated or unwanted personal information&#046; </font>