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<big>When we think about one single thing that has caused maximum social impact, the "mobile phone" comes to our mind&#046; Mobile phones and other similar systems are essentially embedded systems designed using system&#8211;on&#8211;chip (SoC) technology&#046; This system consists of several heterogeneous components, such as: (1) analog/mixed signal circuits including radio frequency (RF) components, (2) digital circuits, (3) power management systems, including the battery, and (4) software&#046; The objective of the International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED) is to bring experts from these fields together so that efficient design of such portable systems is made possible&#046; The next issue that arises, is how to train the next generation of engineers to acquire the needed expertise&#046; Thus, in conjunction with ISED, the Workshop for Engineering Scholars (WES) is organized&#046; The 3rd component of the event is the Expo on Electronic Systems (EES) where different industries come together to highlight the latest developments in the field&#046;</big> <big>The proceedings of the ISED is published </big><big>by the </big><big><a href="http://www&#046;computer&#046;org/"><img style="border: 0px solid; width: 182px; height: 22px;" src="http://www&#046;ised2010&#046;org/IEEE_CS_Logo&#046;jpg&quot; alt="IEEE&#8211;CS" v:shapes="_x0000_i1027"></a></big>