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<p>The PST2010 International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST) is being held in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, August 17&#8211;19, 2010&#046; PST2010 is the eighth such annual conference focusing on PST technologies&#046; PST2010 provides a forum for researchers world&#8211;wide to unveil their latest work in privacy, security and trust and to show how this research can be used to enable innovation&#046;<br>This year’s theme is “Privacy, Security and Trust by Design: PbD &#8211; The Gold Standard&#046;” With the growth and ubiquity of data in today’s hyper&#8211;networked world, the need for trust has become more critical than ever&#046; We need new paradigms that seek to integrate and build privacy, security and trustworthiness directly into technologies and systems from the outset and by default&#046; </p> <p>PST2010 will include an Industry Day followed by two days of high&#8211;quality research papers whose topics include, but are NOT limited to, the following:</p> <ul><li>Privacy Preserving / Enhancing Technologies</li><li>Trust Technologies, Technologies for Building Trust in e&#8211;Business Strategy </li><li>Critical Infrastructure Protection</li><li> Observations of PST in Practice, Society, Policy and Legislation </li><li>Network and Wireless Security </li><li>Digital Rights Management</li><li>Operating Systems Security</li><li>Identity and Trust management </li><li> Intrusion Detection Technologies </li><li>PST and Cloud Computing</li><li>Secure Software Development and Architecture </li><li>Human Computer Interaction and PST </li><li>PST Challenges in e&#8211;Services </li><li> Implications of, and Technologies for, Lawful Surveillance</li><li>Network Enabled Operations </li><li>Biometrics, National ID Cards, Identity Theft </li><li>Advanced Training Tools</li><li>PST and Web Services / SOA </li><li>Information Filtering, Data Mining &amp; Knowledge from Data</li><li>Privacy, Traceability, and Anonymity </li><li>National Security and Public Safety</li><li>Trust and Reputation in Self&#8211;Organizing Environments</li><li> Security Metrics</li><li> Anonymity and Privacy vs&#046; Accountability </li><li>Recommendation, Reputation and Delivery Technologies </li><li>Access Control and Capability Delegation </li><li>Continuous Authentication </li><li>Representations and Formalizations of Trust in Electronic and Physical Social Systems </li></ul>