The NASA Formal Methods Symposium is a forum for theoreticians and<BR>practitioners from academia, government and industry, with the goals<BR>of identifying challenges and providing solutions to achieving<BR>assurance in mission– and safety–critical systems. The focus of the<BR>symposium is on formal methods, and aims to foster collaboration<BR>between NASA researchers and engineers and the wider aerospace and<BR>academic formal methods communities. The symposium will be comprised<BR>of a mixture of invited talks by leading researchers and<BR>practitioners, presentation of accepted papers, and panels.<BR><BR><BR>TOPICS OF INTEREST<BR><BR>* Theorem proving<BR>* Model checking<BR>* Real–time, hybrid, stochastic systems<BR>* SAT and SMT solvers<BR>* Symbolic execution<BR>* Abstraction<BR>* Compositional verification<BR>* Program refinement<BR>* Static analysis<BR>* Dynamic analysis<BR>* Automated testing<BR>* Model–based testing<BR>* Model–based development<BR>* Fault protection<BR>* Security and intrusion detection<BR>* Application experiences<BR>* Modeling and specification formalisms<BR>* Requirements specification and analysis<BR><BR>
United States
Deadline Paper
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End Date