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The Special Session on Ubiquitous e–Learning (UeL) aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners interested in developing the technology and also finding new methodologies and pedagogies for effectively using mobile, ubiquitous e–learning systems in virtual or hybrid learning environments. Communication technology improved dramatically in the last few years leading to opportunities for mobile–learning. Mobile systems are more and more ubiquitous, especially since the advent of smart phones and e–books. Virtual laboratories, e–Learning materials, and even colleagues and tutors can now be accessed from anywhere at any time. However, there are many issues remaining that require attention, such as usability, privacy, ethics, coordination, cost–effective implementation, among others. Authors are encouraged to submit their contributions either showing technological advancements or case studies related to all aspects of e–Learning. This special session provides an opportunity to come up–to–date with state–of–art research, cutting edge technology and development related with ubiquitous systems, virtual labs and e–learning environments in general, in combination with important issues involved in communication, coordination, and their impact on real–world applications of education and training, concerning both technologies and methodologies.