The Special Session on Medical Image Repositories Assisting Diagnoses (MIRAD) aims to address major challenges in assisting physicians to make diagnostic decision using medical image repositories. Traditionally, decision–making involves evidence provided by the patient data coupled with a physician′s a priori experience of a limited number of similar cases. Advances in electronic health record systems facilitate the creation of large numbers of pre–diagnosed patient data sets. These repositories become a key component for the diagnosis of many pathologies, follow–up and treatment. However, it is not straightforward how to efficiently and effectively exploit these repositories. There is a clear need for advanced techniques in medical image analysis and database indexing, multimodal data mining tools to efficiently discover associations between image and non–image (structured or free text) data and enhanced visualization techniques to assist physicians.<br>The aim of this special session is on the one hand to bring together researchers to discuss new techniques in these fields and their use in clinical decision support. On the other hand, we invite practitioners and healthcare professionals to submit papers clearly describing the major problems and the limitations of existing technologies and raising open issues for which they would need clear solutions.
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