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The Special Session on Automatic Photo Albuming (APA) addresses the major challenges in automating photo album and derived product creation from large image collections&#046; These collections can be composed by consumer&#8242;s personal photos, by images related to social events shared in social networks and they can be enriched with photos of third&#8211;party repositories (e&#046;g&#046; flickr, photo&#046;net)&#046; Statistics shows that due to the time needed for completing the album editing tasks, about 50% of all photo books started online are never finished: creating a photo&#8211;album is still a tedious and sometimes frustrating experience&#046; In fact, despite the recent advances in image understanding and multimedia content creation, many essential image manipulation and document editing tools are not yet integrated in albuming workflow&#046; This is true for several reasons: current tools accuracy is limited; it is difficult to create user friendly applications where such tools are effectively used to assist the users and reducing the time to press&#046; The aim of this special session is to offer an opportunity for researchers, developers and photo service providers, to interact and exchange ideas about methods to assist users in the creation of high quality photo books within minimum efforts and time&#046; Hence authors are solicited (but are not limited) to submit papers on the following topics:<br>› Automatic Image Quality Assessment and Enhancement<br>› Image Clustering and Near Duplicate Detection<br>› Image Set Summarization<br>› Saliency Detection and Image Auto&#8211;Crop<br>› Analyzing Image Aesthetics<br>› Advanced Photo Editing Tools (Image Inpainting, Color Transfer, Object Removal / Object Rearrangement, Scene Carving)<br>› Automatic Layout (Images Reflow, Background Color Selection, etc)