Denver, CO
United States
Deadline Paper
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<span style="TEXT&#8211;ALIGN: ; WIDOWS: 2; TEXT&#8211;TRANSFORM: none; TEXT&#8211;INDENT: 0px; LETTER&#8211;SPACING: normal; BORDER&#8211;COLLAPSE: separate; FONT: medium Simsun; WHITE&#8211;SPACE: normal; ORPHANS: 2; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0); WORD&#8211;SPACING: 0px; &#8211;webkit&#8211;border&#8211;horizontal&#8211;spacing: 0px; &#8211;webkit&#8211;border&#8211;vertical&#8211;spacing: 0px; &#8211;webkit&#8211;text&#8211;decorations&#8211;in&#8211;effect: none; &#8211;webkit&#8211;text&#8211;size&#8211;adjust: auto; &#8211;webkit&#8211;text&#8211;stroke&#8211;width: 0px" class="Apple&#8211;style&#8211;span"> <p>Reliability, safety, and security are among the most critical requirements of contemporary software&#046; The application of software engineering methods, tools, and languages all interrelate to affect how and whether these requirements are met&#046;</p> <p>Such software is in operation in many application domains&#046; Much has been accomplished in recent years, but much remains to be done&#046; Our tools, methods, and languages must be continually refined; our management process must remain focused on the importance of reliability, safety, and security; our educational institutions must fully integrate these concerns into their curricula&#046;</p> <p>The conference will gather industrial and government experts, educators, software engineers, and researchers interested in developing, analyzing, and certifying reliable, safe, long&#8211;lived, secure software&#046; We are soliciting technical papers and experience reports with a focus on, or comparison with, Ada&#046;</p> <p>We are especially interested in experience in integrating these concepts into the instructional process at all levels&#046;</p></span>