<SPAN style="TEXT–ALIGN: ; WIDOWS: 2; TEXT–TRANSFORM: none; TEXT–INDENT: 0px; LETTER–SPACING: normal; BORDER–COLLAPSE: separate; FONT: medium Simsun; WHITE–SPACE: normal; ORPHANS: 2; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0); WORD–SPACING: 0px; –webkit–border–horizontal–spacing: 0px; –webkit–border–vertical–spacing: 0px; –webkit–text–decorations–in–effect: none; –webkit–text–size–adjust: auto; –webkit–text–stroke–width: 0px" class=Apple–style–span> <P style="TEXT–ALIGN: justify; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT–FAMILY: ′Times New Roman′; FONT–SIZE: 12pt" class=MsoNormal><SPAN style="FONT–FAMILY: Corbel; FONT–SIZE: 10pt">The focus of this workshop is on design automation and test (DA&T), an area recognized as a clear field within computing with the goal of developing software tools for designing and testing electronic systems. The field is home to more than 20 conferences, symposia, and workshops targeting DA&T of electronic systems, from system–level, to register transfer–, gate– or circuit–level tools. While the classic focus of DA&T has been on electronic/silicon systems, more recently non–silicon computing substrates or non–computing applications have received a lot of attention. For example, bio–DA (either from a modeling/analysis or bio–synthesis perspective) and DA for large–scale systems have started to be viewed as some of the emerging directions in DA&T.<?xml:namespace prefix = o /></SPAN></P> <P style="TEXT–ALIGN: justify; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT–FAMILY: ′Times New Roman′; FONT–SIZE: 12pt" class=MsoNormal><SPAN style="FONT–FAMILY: Corbel; FONT–SIZE: 10pt"> </SPAN></P> <P style="TEXT–ALIGN: justify; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT–FAMILY: ′Times New Roman′; FONT–SIZE: 12pt" class=MsoNormal><SPAN style="FONT–FAMILY: Corbel; FONT–SIZE: 10pt">This workshop is intended to provide senior undergraduate students, graduate<SPAN class=Apple–converted–space> </SPAN><SPAN class=GramE>students,</SPAN><SPAN class=Apple–converted–space> </SPAN>and early post–doctoral researchers from underrepresented groups (women and minority) an overview of the field, research directions, and career paths in design automation and test. Funding is available to help cover travel costs and subsistence (hotel, food) during the workshop for attendees.</SPAN></P></SPAN>
United States
Deadline Paper
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End Date