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<P>Organization of a DESIGN Conference series is a result of the continued policy and continuous learning process, connecting researchers and practitioners attempting to understand better the problems they are trying to address&#046; The objectives of the DESIGN Conferences tend to be integrative across the various disciplines, to reach the current state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art, to cover the multidisciplinary aspects of design and to assure high level review policy&#046;</P> <P>All activities in the organization of DESIGN conferences have been oriented to fulfil those goals motivating the researchers and practitioners to participate in these truly international high quality events&#046; Until 2000 the conferences were supported by WDK (Workshop Design&#8211;Konstruktion), while the recent events have continued tradition under the sign of the Design Society, providing a forum for cooperative interactions among participants&#046; The DESIGN 2010 Conference has attracted more then 250 participants from more then 28 countries&#046;</P> <P>The forthcoming DESIGN 2012 Conference is founded on the continuous development of organization and evaluation procedure that resulted in a capacity to deliver procedures and conditions of communicative competence&#046; The Organizational Board invites you to the 12th International DESIGN Conference &#8211; DESIGN 2012 to continue the tradition of the previous meetings by presenting your view on the "EXCELLENCE IN DESIGN"&#046;</P> <P>To assist this process of development for the engineering design research community the organizers of DESIGN are proposing seven core areas for the conference as described below&#046; It is expected that these specific topics are extensive and a non exhaustive list of examples is added for illustrating the core topics&#046; It is required explicitly from all contributors to show how they are contributing to the overall area to emerge communities of researchers within these areas&#046;</P> <H2>1&#046; DESIGN THEORY AND RESEARCH METHODOLOGY</H2> <P>Engineering design research has a long history of research activities associated with it&#046; However the establishment of credible convincing and well supported new theories and innovative research approaches is a continuing task&#046; Undertaking design research is difficult because of the he amount of issues associated with design, evaluating models and methods by ‘experiments’ with industrial collaborators, generating large enough data sets or validating results in quite different design situations&#046; Papers which have a valid basis and promote to the community undertaking design research will be of particular interest in this core area&#046;</P> <H2>2&#046; DESIGN ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT</H2> <P>A critical factor in the effectiveness of designers and design teams is the way that they are organized and managed&#046; This core area will deal with strategies, methods and tools to support design work with its manifold relations to internal partners as well as to suppliers and customers&#046; This may include such topics as collaborative working, meeting strategies, virtual organizations, distributed teams, the supplier/designer interface, etc&#046; Again the state of the art is critical and may come from outside the engineering design research field&#046; </P> <H2>3&#046; DESIGN PROCESSES</H2> <P>There are various views on the overall design process and there are a wide variety of product&#8211;, company&#8211; or branch specific approaches to structure and to support design processes&#046; Papers submitted for this core area may deal with any of these aspects and related topics&#046; In particular examples of new process developments and process improvement strategies will be of particular interest&#046; Authors will be expected to show how their results add to various design process improvement approaches&#046; Examples of the impact of their new approaches or new implementation tactics would be highly relevant&#046;</P> <H2>4&#046; DESIGN METHODS</H2> <P>Papers selected for this core area will be expected to include a novel design approach or method or an example and assessment of how a method or methods have been implemented in practice&#046; The papers will be expected to relate to the state of the art in the area and show how their approach has contributed to the overall effectiveness of the design process&#046; </P> <H2>5&#046; DESIGN SUPPORT TOOLS</H2> <P>The provision of innovative support tools within the engineering design process is essential for the effective delivery of high quality products and systems&#046; Papers submitted for this core area may be associated with tools for any design related activity and for any phase of the design process&#046; Papers will be expected to show why the particular tools are necessary or why the particular approach being introduced is novel&#046; Papers which include examples of use or application case studies are particularly welcome&#046;</P> <H2>6&#046; DESIGN INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE</H2> <P>The provision of the appropriate amounts of high quality and relevant design information and knowledge is seen as being critical to the success of a product or system design and development activity&#046; Papers submitted to this core area may take a technical or human view of the issues&#046; They may deal with such areas as search strategies, information or knowledge reuse, representation methods, organisational learning and so on&#046; Examples of information and knowledge strategies that have been evaluated in practice, with a reflection of the difficulties are of particular interest&#046;</P> <H2>7&#046; HUMAN BEHAVIOUR AND DESIGN</H2> <P>The human aspect of design is crucial and arguably has two aspects, one being the role that the designer has in producing products and systems that relate to the users themselves&#046; The other is the way that the designer can be supported to be more creative and innovative&#046; As well as other research in the engineering design area, any cross&#8211;reference to human&#8211;computer interface work or other human aspect work would be of interest&#046; Papers that deal with any of these human dimensions will be welcome&#046;</P> <H2>8&#046; ENGINEERING DESIGN PRACTICE</H2> <P>This topic is to provide articles of practical relevance to the working engineer&#046; Programme shairs will welcome papers demonstrating engineering competence, experience and usefulness&#046;</P> <H2>9&#046; INDUSTRIAL DESIGN</H2>