<SPAN style="TEXT–ALIGN: ; WIDOWS: 2; TEXT–TRANSFORM: none; TEXT–INDENT: 0px; LETTER–SPACING: normal; BORDER–COLLAPSE: separate; FONT: medium Simsun; WHITE–SPACE: normal; ORPHANS: 2; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0); WORD–SPACING: 0px; –webkit–border–horizontal–spacing: 0px; –webkit–border–vertical–spacing: 0px; –webkit–text–decorations–in–effect: none; –webkit–text–size–adjust: auto; –webkit–text–stroke–width: 0px" class=Apple–style–span><SPAN style="TEXT–ALIGN: left; LINE–HEIGHT: 16px; FONT–FAMILY: ′Lucida Grande′, Verdana, Arial, sans–serif; COLOR: rgb(51,51,51); FONT–SIZE: 12px" class=Apple–style–span>The<SPAN class=Apple–converted–space> </SPAN><STRONG>Argentine School of Micro–Nanoelectronics, Technology and Applications (EAMTA)</STRONG><SPAN class=Apple–converted–space> </SPAN>and its associated Conference (CAMTA) is a high<BR>technical quality Argentine forum for researchers, technologists and companies in the fields of micro and nano electronic technologies.<BR>The School is an initiative whose main objective is to promote the development of advanced technology in the country, through the design of integrated circuits and its support/associated technologies.</SPAN></SPAN>
EAMTA 2011
Buenos Aires
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date