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<FONT face=Arial>We wish to welcome you to IEEE HPSR 2011, the 12th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing to be held in Cartagena, Spain, July 4 &#8211; 7, 2011&#046; This conference has its roots in the ATM workshop first convened in 1995 in Washington&#8211;DC, USA&#046; Subsequent workshops were held in 1996 in San Francisco&#8211;CA, USA; 1997 in Lisboa, Portugal; 1998 in Fairfax&#8211;VA, USA; 1999 in Kochi, Japan; 2000 in Heidelberg, Germany&#046; The current name HPSR was adopted for subsequent workshops to reflect specifically the focus on the topics of switching and routing&#046; HPSR workshop 2001 was held in Dallas&#8211;TX, USA; 2002 in Kobe, Japan; 2003 in Torino, Italy; 2004 in Phoenix&#8211;AZ, USA; 2005 in Hong&#8211;Kong; 2006 in Poznan, Poland; 2007 in New&#8211;York&#8211;NY, USA; 2008 in Shangai, China; 2009 in Paris, France and 2010 in Dallas&#8211;TX, USA&#046;</FONT> <P><BR><FONT face=Arial>The goal of IEEE HPSR is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners from around the world&#046; IEEE HPSR is focused on the technology of high&#8211;speed, high&#8211;capacity switches and routers, including architectural and algorithmic aspects of high&#8211;speed IP networks, possibly adopting optical technologies and wireless user access&#046; Over the last editions, IEEE HPSR has evolved into an important forum of telecommunications and networking for the exchange of state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art&#046;</FONT></P> <P><BR><FONT face="Arial, Helvetica">Sessions will include tutorials, panel sessions and presentations on new research results&#046; Papers describing original work are invited in any of the areas described in the call for papers will be considered&#046; Accepted papers will be published in <I>Proceedings of IEEE HPSR 2011</I> and in the <I>IEEE digital library</I>&#046; Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance, and originality&#046; Best Paper Award will be granted&#046; Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to the Special Issue <A href="http://www&#046;ieee&#8211;hpsr&#046;org/content/SS&#8211;COMNET&#046;p… in High&#8211;Performance Switching and Routing in the Future Internet</A> of the <A href="http://www&#046;elsevier&#046;com/locate/comnet&quot; target=_blank>Computer Networks</A> journal published by Elsevier&#046;</FONT></P>