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<P>The International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL) is the first and largest conference covering the rapidly growing area of field&#8211;programmable logic and it covers all related <A title=topics href="http://www&#046;fpl2012&#046;org/call&#8211;for&#8211;papers&#046;shtml… color=#0066cc>topics</FONT></A>, including reconfigurable architectures, applications, design methods, and tools&#046; The <A title="Program Committee" href="http://www&#046;fpl2012&#046;org/committee&#046;shtml#program&#8211;com… color=#0066cc>Program Committee</FONT></A> cordially invites you to participate and submit your contribution to FPL 2012&#046; </P> <P class=just>The conference <A name=topics>topics</A> include, but are not limited to: <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD><STRONG>Architectures</STRONG> <LI>Adaptive communication &amp; NoCs </LI> <LI>Defect&#8211; and fault tolerance </LI> <LI>Field programmable analog arrays </LI> <LI>FPGAs vs&#046; Multicores / GPUs </LI> <LI>Low power architectures </LI> <LI>Partial, run&#8211;time reconfiguration </LI> <LI>Reconfigurable embedded systems </LI> <LI>Self&#8211;awareness and self&#8211;adaptivity </LI> <LI>Self&#8211;testing, self&#8211;healing </LI></TD> <TD><STRONG>Surveys, Trends and Education</STRONG> <LI>Emerging device technologies </LI> <LI>History/surveys of reconfigurable logic </LI> <LI>Million LUT&#8211; / thousand core designs </LI> <LI>Open source designs </LI> <LI>Roadmap of reconfigurable computing </LI> <LI>Teaching courses and Tutorials </LI></TD></TR> <TR> <TD><STRONG>Applications</STRONG> <LI>Aerospace and automotive </LI> <LI>Application acceleration </LI> <LI>Bioinformatics &amp; bio inspired systems </LI> <LI>Communications and networking </LI> <LI>Finance and database acceleration </LI> <LI>HPC (fluid dynamics, clime simulation) </LI> <LI>Medical solutions </LI> <LI>Physics and astronomy </LI> <LI>Security </LI> <LI>Signal processing and SDR </LI></TD> <TD><STRONG>Design Methods and Tools</STRONG> <LI>Compilers and languages </LI> <LI>Hardware / software co&#8211;design </LI> <LI>Logic optimization and technology mapping </LI> <LI>Open source tools </LI> <LI>Partial, run&#8211;time reconfiguration </LI> <LI>Placement and routing algorithms </LI> <LI>Radiation tolerance and reliability </LI> <LI>Rapid prototyping and emulation </LI> <LI>System&#8211;level design tools </LI> <LI>Testing, verification and benchmarks </LI></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P> <P>This year, we highly encourage authors to make their research results &#8211; including systems, benchmarks, or tools &#8211; freely available in order to gain research and design productivity within the FPL community&#046; <A name=demos>We</A> further encourage authors to present working <STRONG>demo systems or tools</STRONG> in conjunction with the <A title=PhD&#8211;Forum href="http://www&#046;fpl2012&#046;org/call&#8211;for&#8211;papers&#046;shtml… color=#0066cc>PhD&#8211;Forum</FONT></A>&#046; </P>