Rio de Janeiro
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<DIV align=justify> <P class=style6 align=justify>The IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) is the world&#8242;s premier networking forum of leading researchers in the highly active fields of theory, design and implementation of circuits and systems&#046;<BR>ISCAS 2011, sponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society and supported by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and the Military Institute of Engineering (IME), will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 15 May to 18 May 2011&#046; <BR>The Symposium will focus on Circuits and Systems for Sustainable Environment, employing nanotechnology, sensor arrays, mobile processing, and energy&#8211;efficient systems, aiming at the natural equilibrium of planet earth&#046;<BR>The ISCAS 2011 will include oral and poster sessions, tutorials given by experts on state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art topics, and special sessions, with the aim of complementing the regular program with topics of particular interest to the circuits and systems community that cut across and beyond disciplines traditionally represented at ISCAS&#046;<BR><BR>Prospective authors are invited to submit papers including technical novelties and tutorial overviews on circuits and systems topics including but not limited to:<BR> <BR>•Analog Signal Processing<BR>•Biomedical and Life&#8211;Science Circuits, Systems and Applications</P></DIV> <DIV align=justify>•Circuits and Systems for Communications</DIV> <DIV align=justify>•Computer&#8211;Aided Network Design</DIV> <DIV align=justify>•Digital Signal Processing</DIV> <DIV align=justify>•Education in Circuits and Systems</DIV> <DIV align=justify>•Live Demonstrations of Circuits and Systems</DIV> <DIV align=justify>•Multimedia Systems and Applications</DIV> <DIV align=justify>•Nanoelectronics and Gigascale Systems</DIV> <DIV align=justify>•Neural Networks and Systems</DIV> <DIV align=justify>•Nonlinear Circuits and Systems</DIV> <DIV align=justify>•Power and Energy Circuits and Systems</DIV> <DIV align=justify>•Sensory Systems</DIV> <DIV align=justify>•Visual Signal Processing and Communications</DIV> <DIV align=justify>•VLSI Systems and Applications <BR> <BR></DIV>