Deadline Paper
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<P>The 20th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, <B>ECCTD2011</B>, consists of plenary lectures, regular, special and poster sessions focusing on recent trends and advances on all aspects of: <UL> <LI>Circuits <LI>Systems <LI>Mathematical methods <LI>Computational methods <LI>Signal processing <LI>Applications </LI></UL> <P>A reception party and a half&#8211;day trip program including the gala dinner at the Swedish Air Force Museum are planned&#046; The participants will experience the flavor of medieval sites as well as be able to trace the development of military aviation from the early 20th century to the present&#046; </P><!&#8211;&#8211; <H2> Best student paper awards</H2><P> Prizes will be awarded to the best paper and best student papers presented during the conference&#046; The selection will be based on referees&#8242; reports and the decision will be made jointly by the ECS Council and ECCTD2011 organising committee considering the scientific contribution and originality of the paper&#046; </P> &#8211;&#8211;>