<P>The 20th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, <B>ECCTD2011</B>, consists of plenary lectures, regular, special and poster sessions focusing on recent trends and advances on all aspects of: <UL> <LI>Circuits <LI>Systems <LI>Mathematical methods <LI>Computational methods <LI>Signal processing <LI>Applications </LI></UL> <P>A reception party and a half–day trip program including the gala dinner at the Swedish Air Force Museum are planned. The participants will experience the flavor of medieval sites as well as be able to trace the development of military aviation from the early 20th century to the present. </P><!–– <H2> Best student paper awards</H2><P> Prizes will be awarded to the best paper and best student papers presented during the conference. The selection will be based on referees′ reports and the decision will be made jointly by the ECS Council and ECCTD2011 organising committee considering the scientific contribution and originality of the paper. </P> ––>
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