<SPAN style="FONT–SIZE: 11pt"> <P><SPAN style="FONT–SIZE: 11pt">International Multi–Conference on Systems, signals & Devices is a scientific event that includes four scheduled conferences covering almost fields of electrical and electronics engineering.</P> <P class=champ align=justify>The event is a forum for specialists to present their research results and to share experiences with other attendees coming from all over the world. It provides a serious opportunity for attendees to promote partnership between universities.</P> <P class=champ align=justify>Authors of best presented papers at SSD conferences will be offered an opportunity to publish their works in international journals, such as: <STRONG>Transactions on Systems, Signals and Devices </STRONG>(ISSN 1861–5252). </P> <P class=Style1><IMG src="http://www.ssd–conf.org/ssd11/images/pu–2.gi…; width=19 height=9>Topics</P> <P class=champ><STRONG><FONT size=2><FONT color=#00cc00><SPAN class=style5>The conference on Systems Analysis and Automatic Control (SAC/SSD′10) </SPAN><BR></FONT></FONT></STRONG>will cover topics related to system design, modern control theory, robotics and human–machine interaction systems, including (but not limited to) the following: </P> <P> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD vAlign=top width=261> <P class=champ>• Advances in linear control theory, </P></TD> <TD vAlign=top width=303> <P class=champ>• System optimization, </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=top width=261> <P class=champ>• Multivariable control, </P></TD> <TD vAlign=top width=303> <P class=champ>• Large scale and infinite dimension systems, </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=top width=261> <P class=champ>• Nonlinear control, </P></TD> <TD vAlign=top width=303> <P class=champ>• Distributed control, </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=top width=261> <P class=champ>• Predictive control, </P></TD> <TD vAlign=top width=303> <P class=champ>• Geometric control, </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=top width=261> <P class=champ>• Adaptive control, </P></TD> <TD vAlign=top width=303> <P class=champ>• Optimal and stochastic control, </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=top width=261> <P class=champ>• Robust control, </P></TD> <TD vAlign=top width=303> <P class=champ>• Hierarchical and man–machine systems, </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=top width=261> <P class=champ>• Intelligent control systems, </P></TD> <TD vAlign=top width=303> <P class=champ>• Robotics and mechatronics, </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=top width=261> <P class=champ>• System identification </P></TD> <TD vAlign=top width=303> <P class=champ>• Biological and economical models & control, </P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></SPAN><FONT size=3><B>Schlüsselwörter:</B> </FONT></P> <P><A style="COLOR: black; FONT–SIZE: 10pt; FONT–WEIGHT: bolder" href="http://www.philadelphia.edu.jo/ssd08/SAC.htm"><SPAN style="FONT–SIZE: 12pt">International Conference on Systems Analysis and Automatic Control</SPAN></A></P> <P><A style="COLOR: black; FONT–SIZE: 10pt; FONT–WEIGHT: bolder" href="http://www.philadelphia.edu.jo/ssd08/PES.htm"><SPAN style="FONT–SIZE: 12pt">International Conference on Power Electrical Systems</SPAN></A></P> <P><A style="COLOR: black; FONT–SIZE: 10pt; FONT–WEIGHT: bolder" href="http://www.philadelphia.edu.jo/ssd08/CSP.htm"><SPAN style="FONT–SIZE: 12pt">International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing </SPAN></A></P> <P><A style="COLOR: black; FONT–SIZE: 10pt; FONT–WEIGHT: bolder" href="http://www.philadelphia.edu.jo/ssd08/SCI.htm"><SPAN style="FONT–SIZE: 12pt">International Conference on Sensors, Circuits and Instrumentation Systems </SPAN></A></P></SPAN>
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