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<span style="font&#8211;style: normal; font&#8211;family: Verdana; color: black; font&#8211;size: 9pt; vertical&#8211;align: baseline; font&#8211;weight: normal"><span style="font&#8211;style: normal; font&#8211;family: Verdana; color: black; font&#8211;size: 10pt; vertical&#8211;align: baseline; font&#8211;weight: normal"><span style="font&#8211;style: normal; font&#8211;family: Verdana; color: black; vertical&#8211;align: baseline; font&#8211;weight: normal"><span style="font&#8211;style: normal; font&#8211;family: Verdana; color: black; font&#8211;size: 10pt; vertical&#8211;align: baseline; font&#8211;weight: normal">The conference theme is <strong><em>Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems and Society&#046; </em></strong>This theme establishes a focus on practical applications of theory and methodologies leading to tangible systems, products, and service technologies that feature coordination between computational and physical elements&#046; At the core of cyber&#8211;physical systems is coordinated computation, communication, control, and sensing with actuation and adaptability of physical systems&#046;<span> </span>Human factors are magnified at the societal interface to resonate in phase with IEEE SMC Society fields of interest&#046; Advances in these fields are expected to enable cyber&#8211;physical systems in multiple industry sectors and in the home&#046;<span> </span>Current advancements addressing technical and societal challenges of cyber&#8211;physical systems will take center stage at IEEE SMC 2011&#046;</span></span></span></span>