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ISWCS&#8242;12 will bring together various wireless communication systems developers to address and capture highly innovative and state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art research from academia, the wireless industry, standardization bodies&#046; The scope of the conference includes a wide range of technical challenges encompassing wireless communications, quality of service support, wireless networking, signal processing, cross layer air interface design, wireless broadband access and cooperative communication&#046;<br>TOPICS OF INTEREST INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO :<br>Cooperative communication and relaying<br>MIMO communications and space&#8211;time processing<br>smart antennas<br>Cognitive radio and SDR<br>Multi&#8211;carrier systems, OFDM<br>Radio resource management and interference control<br>Spread spectrum and UWB<br>Wireless access techniques<br>Antennas and propagation<br>Cross&#8211;layer air interface<br>Ad&#8211;hoc and mesh networks<br>wireless sensor networks<br>wireless communications testbed development<br>Wireless privacy and security<br>Physical&#8211;layer aspects of cellular networks such as UMTS, LTE, LTE&#8211;Advanced<br>Signal processing, including VLSI architectures<br>Mobility management and modeling<br>QoS provisioning<br>Wireless network architectures and technologies<br>Information and communication theory<br>Estimation and detection<br>Coding and modulation<br>Turbo codes, LDPC and iterative decoding<br>Innovative services and applications<br>Localization techniques<br>Network coding<br>Spectrum sensing<br>Vehicular Networks (VANETs)<br>Professional and military communications<br>