As wireless and mobile networking becomes ubiquitous, security and privacy become increasingly critical. The focus of the ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (ACM WiSec) is on exploring vulnerabilities, threats, and attacks in wireless communications and the techniques needed to address them. Settings of interest include cellular, metropolitan, mesh, local–area, personal–area, home, vehicular, sensor, ad hoc, satellite, cognitive radio, RFID, and underwater networks as well as systems using non–RF wireless communication.<br>The conference is soliciting contributions to topics including<br>but not limited to:<br>– Key management in wireless/mobile environments* Secure services (neighbor discovery, localization, etc.)<br>– Secure PHY and MAC protocols<br>– Trust establishment<br>– Intrusion, attack, and malicious behavior detection<br>– Denial of service<br>– User and location privacy<br>– Anonymity, unobservability, prevention of traffic analysis<br>– Identity theft and phishing in mobile networks<br>– Charging & secure payment<br>– Cooperation and mitigating non?cooperative behavior<br>– Economics of wireless security<br>– Vulnerability and attack modeling<br>– Incentive–aware secure protocol design<br>– Jamming/Anti–jamming communication<br>– Cross–layer design for security<br>– Monitoring and surveillance<br>– Cryptographic primitives for wireless communication<br>– Theoretical foundations and formal methods for wireless security and privacy<br>– Security and privacy of mobile OS and mobile applications<br>– Secure delay– and disruption–tolerant networking<br>– Secure non–RF wireless communication (e.g., ultrasound, vision, laser)<br>– Security/privacy in wireless smart grid and smart metering applications<br>– Security/privacy in wireless network coding<br>– Security/privacy in wireless/ephemeral social networking<br>– Security/privacy in mobile/wireless cloud services<br>
United States
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