Deadline Paper
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CISTI is a technical and scientific event, whose purpose is to present and discuss knowledge, new perspectives, experiences and innovations in the Information Systems and Technologies field&#046;<br><h2>Themes</h2><br>Submitted papers must follow the main themes proposed for the Conference (the topics proposed in each theme constitute a mere framework reference; they are not intended as restrictive):<br>A) OMIS &#8211; Organizational Models and Information Systems<br>Information Systems Planning and Management; Business Integration; Information Systems Architectures; Project Management; Information Society; Virtual Organizations; e&#8211;Government; e&#8211;Commerce; e&#8211;Business; e&#8211;Portals; Web 2&#046;0; Communities of Practice; Social Aspects of Information Systems; Enterprise Information Systems; Accounting and Management Information Systems; Geographic Information Systems&#046;<br>B) KMDSS &#8211; Knowledge Management and Decision Support Systems<br>Knowledge Management and Ontologies; Knowledge Acquisition and Elicitation; Ontology&#8211;driven Knowledge Engineering; Ontology Design and Engineering; Decision Support Models; Decision Support and Software Engineering; Statistical Decision Models and Algorithms; Business and Competitive Intelligence; Data Warehousing and Data Mining<br>C) SSAAT &#8211; Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools<br>XML and Internet Languages; XML and Data Management; Web Architectures and Applications; Multimedia Tools and Applications; Multimedia Analysis and Processing; Content Management and Distribution; Computer Security; Intelligent Agents; Software Engineering and Quality Metrics; Metadata, Modelling and Semantics&#046;<br>D) CNMPS &#8211; Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems<br>Interworking Heterogeneous Networks; Systems over Home, Body and Personal area Networks; Applications of Ad&#8211;hoc, Sensor and Vehicle Networks; End&#8211;to&#8211;End Protocols Over Heterogeneous Networks; Middleware for Supporting Mobility, Context&#8211;aware and Location&#8211;based Computing; Security in Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems; Software Engineering Support for Pervasive Applications; Novel Applications of Pervasive Computing; New HCI Challenges in Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems; Test and Evaluation of Pervasive Systems&#046;<br>E) HCC &#8211; Human Centered Computing<br>Human Centered Computing; Human&#8211;Computer Interaction; Human Systems Design; Evaluation of Systems Applied to Users; Assessment; Devices Design (from hardware or software view); E&#8211;M&#8211;V Systems; Usability; Accessibility&#046;<br>F) HIS &#8211; Health Informatics<br>Electronic Health Record; Clinical Decision Support Systems; Knowledge Management for Healthcare; Evidence&#8211;based Health Services; Biomedical Data Management; Biomedical Images Processing; Telemedicine and eHealth; Mobile Computing in Healthcare; Integration and Interoperability; Health Portals; Standards; Ethic, Privacy and Security; Legislation; Curriculum models in Health Informatics&#046;<br>G) ITE &#8211; Information Technologies in Education<br>Digital Divide; e&#8211;Learning Methods and Case Studies; Mobile and Pervasive Technologies; Digital Games; Multi&#8211;user Virtual Environments; Informal Learning; New Classroom Technologies (PDAs, Interactive Witheboards, etc&#046;); Personal Learning Environments; Visual Media (Videoconference; Digital Photography); e&#8211;Portfolios and Social Software (Wikis, Blogs, Podcasting, etc&#046;)&#046;<br>