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The purpose of WINSYS 2012, the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested on information systems and applications in the context of wireless networks and mobile technologies&#046;<br>Information systems and information technology are pervasive in the whole communications field, which is quite vast, encompassing a large number of research topics and applications: from practical issues to the more abstract theoretical aspects of communication; from low level protocols to high&#8211;level networking and applications; from wireless networking technologies to mobile information systems; many other topics are included in the scope of WINSYS&#046;<br>Conference Areas<br>Each of these topic areas is expanded below but the sub&#8211;topics list is not exhaustive&#046; Papers may address one or more of the listed sub&#8211;topics, although authors should not feel limited by them&#046; Unlisted but related sub&#8211;topics are also acceptable, provided they fit in one of the following main topic areas:<br>1&#046; SENSOR, MESH AND AD HOC COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS<br>2&#046; WIRELESS AND MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES<br>3&#046; MOBILE SOFTWARE AND SERVICES<br>AREA 1: SENSOR, MESH AND AD HOC COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS<br>Ad Hoc Networks of Autonomous Intelligent Systems<br>Autonomic Networking<br>Body&#8211;based Wireless Networks<br>Coverage, Connectivity and Deployment Issues<br>Delay&#8211;Tolerant Networking<br>Ecological Wireless Networks<br>e&#8211;Health Networking<br>Emergency Wireless Communications<br>Hardware and Software Platforms, Middleware<br>Home area networks<br>Hybrid Wireless Communication Systems<br>Local Dependent Networks<br>Localization and Positioning Schemes<br>MAC Issues in WSN<br>Measurements and Experimental Research<br>Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and Multi&#8211;Hop Wireless<br>Modeling, Algorithms, and Performance Evaluation<br>Novel Sensing Applications<br>Pervasive Education Systems<br>Pricing Modeling and Solutions<br>Radio Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks<br>Ultra&#8211;Wideband and Short&#8211;Range Networks<br>Urban Sensing<br>Underground Sensor Network Challenges<br>Underwater Sensor Networks<br>Vehicular Networks<br>Wireless Real&#8211;Time Communications<br>AREA 2: WIRELESS AND MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES<br>Antennas and Propagation, Channel Modelling and Estimation<br>Anti&#8211;jamming Channel Coding<br>Channel Coding, Modulation and Multi&#8211;user Detection<br>Cognitive Radio and Software Defined Radio<br>Congestion and Admission Control<br>Cooperative Mobile Systems<br>Cross&#8211;layer Design and Physical Layer based Network Issues<br>Detection, Decoding and Diversity Techniques<br>Directional and Smart Antennas for Sensor Networks<br>Fault&#8211;Tolerance and Traffic Reliability Issues<br>Enabling Technologies<br>Energy Efficiency and Power Control<br>Green Wireless Systems<br>High Altitude Platforms and Satellites<br>Information Ubiquity<br>Management, Energy and Control of Sensor Networks<br>MIMO Systems and Techniques<br>Network Measurement, Validation and Verification Schemes<br>OFDM and Multi&#8211;Carrier Systems<br>Performance Analysis of Wireless Networks<br>Radio Issues in Wireless Mobile Ad&#8211;hoc and Sensor Networks<br>Reconfigurable Wireless Networks<br>RFID Systems<br>Routing Protocols, Qos, Scheduling and Congestion Control<br>Spectrum Policies and Open Spectrum<br>Spread&#8211;spectrum and CDMA Systems<br>Survivability, Network Management and Fault Tolerance in Mobile Environments<br>WiMAX, LTE, WMANs, and New Emerging Broadband Wireless Networks<br>Wired to Wireless transition issues<br>Wireless Communication Middleware<br>Wireless Multimedia<br>Wireless Multiple Access Techniques<br>Wireless Network Co&#8211;Existence<br>Wireless Positioning Technologies<br>Wireless Networks for Underwater and UAVs Communications<br>AREA 3: MOBILE SOFTWARE AND SERVICES<br>Convergence and Social Mobility<br>Charging, Pricing, and Business Schemes<br>Communications Software in Vehicular Communication Systems<br>Context Awareness and Personalization<br>Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications<br>Geographic Information and Location&#8211;based Applications and Services<br>Information Security Policy for Wireless Networks<br>Intelligent Living Environments: Architecture, Protocols and Applications<br>Localization Techniques<br>Medical ICT Applications<br>Mobile Multimedia Services (WASP, ASP, MSP)<br>Multimedia Traffic over Wireless Networks<br>Multimedia QoS provisioning<br>Network Traffic Analysis Schemes<br>Peer&#8211;to&#8211;Peer Computing and Networking<br>Pervasive Computing and Networking<br>Pervasive and Wearable Computing<br>Radio Resource Management<br>Standardization Issues<br>Testbeds and Deployment<br>Ubiquitous Wireless Services and Protocols<br>Web Services<br>Wireless Application Areas<br>Wireless Information Policy, Risk Assessment and Management<br>Wireless Multicasting<br>