Deadline Paper

I&#046; AIM AND SCOPE<br>Type&#8211;2 fuzzy sets and systems have emerged during the past decade as major areas within the general field of fuzzy sets and systems&#046; This is because they are a natural next step in the progression of general research about fuzzy sets and systems and because many applications that use type&#8211;2 fuzzy sets have already demonstrated significant performance improvements over using type&#8211;1 fuzzy sets&#046;<br>During the past decade most of the work that used type&#8211;2 fuzzy sets and systems focused on the simplest kinds of such sets and system, namely interval type&#8211;2 fuzzy sets (also known as interval&#8211;valued fuzzy sets) and interval type&#8211;2 fuzzy logic systems&#046; Recently, however, important advances have been made in the theory of general type&#8211;2 fuzzy sets and systems&#046; Type&#8211;2 fuzzy sets also are important for computing with words, because words mean different things to different people and such linguistic uncertainty can be modeled using type&#8211;2 fuzzy sets&#046;<br>The aim of this special issue is to highlight the most significant recent developments &#8211; advances &#8211; on the topics of type&#8211;2 fuzzy sets and systems, to identify the most recent research directions, and to publicize this area to a wider audience&#046;<br>II&#046; TOPICS COVERED<br>Authors are invited to submit their original and unpublished work in the areas including (but not limited to) the following (note that "type&#8211;2" includes interval type&#8211;2/interval&#8211;valued and general type&#8211;2):<br>&#8211; Theoretical studies of current type&#8211;2 paradigms and algorithms<br>&#8211; evelopments of new type&#8211;2 paradigms and algorithms<br>&#8211; Convincing applications of type&#8211;2 fuzzy logic<br>&#8211; Type&#8211;2 fuzzy logic control<br>&#8211; Type&#8211;2 classification/clustering<br>&#8211; Type&#8211;2 for computing with words<br>&#8211; Quantitative comparisons of type&#8211;2 and type&#8211;1 fuzzy systems<br>&#8211; Type&#8211;2 uncertainty measures<br>&#8211; Optimization under type&#8211;2 constraints<br>&#8211; Optimization of Type&#8211;2 fuzzy systems<br>&#8211; Learning type&#8211;2 fuzzy systems<br>&#8211; Adaptive type&#8211;2 fuzzy systems<br>