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<pre>Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP) will take place at the second time, as a premier event for pattern authors and users to gather, discuss and learn more about patterns and software development in the Asia region as well as other regions&#046; The purpose of AsianPLoP is to promote development of patterns, pattern languages, technologies and experiences of patterns primarily about software; however, these for domains outside software are also welcome&#046; In AsianPLoP 2011, various patterns, pattern languages and related techniques will be discussed&#046; Topics include software design, architecture, programming, refactoring, integration, cloud computing, services, security, and collaboration&#046; Most of papers will be workshopped in the traditional PLoP Writer&#8242;s Workshop format&#046;<br></pre><p> Suggested topic areas of interest include, but are not limited to: </p> <ul><li>New patterns and pattern languages of: <ul><li>business patterns, </li><li>requirements patterns, </li><li>analysis patterns, </li><li>architecture patterns, </li><li>design patterns, </li><li>programming and refactoring patterns, </li><li>testing and maintenance patterns, </li><li>process and organizational management patterns, </li><li>pedagogical/educational patterns, </li><li>communication patterns, </li><li>other non&#8211;software patterns </li></ul> </li><li>Critiques, researches, and case studies of: <ul><li>patterns and pattern languages, </li><li>related areas, such as agile development and Wiki </li></ul> </li></ul><pre><br></pre>