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AUTOTESTCON is the world’s premier conference that brings together the military/aerospace automatic test industry and government/military acquirers and users to share new technologies, discuss innovative applications, and exhibit products and services&#046; It is sponsored annually by the IEEE&#046;<br>The Theme this year is Mission Assurance through Advanced ATE&#046;<br>AUTOTESTCON will be held at the Disneyland Resort and Conference Center in Anaheim, California, on September 10&#8211;13, 2012&#046; The TECHNICAL PROGRAM for AUTOTESTCON 2012 will be determined by the interests of those participants submitting for publication and presentation a TECHNICAL PAPER or organizing a TECHNICAL SESSION&#046; Papers and sessions should cover appropriate topics dealing with SYSTEM READINESS in general and AUTOMATIC TEST technology in particular&#046; ABSTRACTS for TECHNICAL PAPERS are now being solicited, as are proposals for TECHNICAL SESSIONS&#046;<br>Important Aspects of Systems Readiness<br>Performance Based Logistics<br>Health Monitoring &amp; Diagnostics<br>Embedded Instrumentation<br>Support Economics<br>Test &amp; Support Management<br>