Kuala Lumpur
Deadline Paper
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End Date

<span style="font&#8211;size: small;">The ICIAS2012 conference which is listed in IEEE <a href="http://www&#046;ieee&#046;org/conferences_events/conferences/conferenceā€¦; aims at bringing together experts and researchers in intelligent and advanced systems&#046; All accepted papers which are presented at the conference will be archived in IEEE Xplore database and indexed in <strong>SCOPUS</strong>&#046; Selected papers will also be invited to be sent in form of extended version to journals which are <strong>ISI</strong> indexed with impact factor&#046;<br>The conference which is listed in IEEE website aims at bringing together experts and researchers in intelligent and advanced systems&#046; Prospective authors are encouraged to submit original and unpublished work in, but not limited to, the following areas:<br>Sensor Technology<br>Nonlinear Circuits &amp; Systems<br>Signal Processing<br>Instrumentation &amp; Control Systems<br>Communications Systems<br>Image Processing &amp; Multimedia Systems<br>VLSI &amp; Embedded Systems<br>Biomedical Systems<br>Power Electronics &amp; Power Systems<br>Computational &amp; Artificial Intelligence<br></span>