Island of Santorini
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Internet is being extended beyond its traditional boundaries (i&#046;e&#046;, areas with<br>network infrastructure) through gradually incorporating a wide&#8211;range of<br>challenging networks and autonomous devices&#046; From traditional wireless<br>networks to opportunistic networks of mobile devices in urban<br>environments and deep&#8211;space communications, the new approaches require<br>an efficient merging with the traditional wired infrastructure&#046; The need for<br>novel all&#8211;weather protocols, clean&#8211;slate or evolutionary architectures,<br>merging and assembling of different network technologies, unified<br>operation and management of the heterogeneous components and the<br>support for new multimedia services are only few examples of the wide<br>range of technologies building&#8211;up this new global network&#046; WWIC addresses<br>research topics such as the design and evaluation of protocols, the dynamics<br>of the integration, the performance tradeoffs, the need for new performance<br>metrics and cross&#8211;layer interactions&#046; This year, we particularly emphasize<br>on areas such as Delay&#8211; and Disruption&#8211;Tolerant Networks (DTNs) and<br>Opportunistic Networks&#046;<br>The goal of the conference is to present high&#8211;quality results in the field of<br>global internetworking, and to provide a framework for research<br>collaboration through focused discussions that will designate future<br>research efforts and directions&#046; In this context, the program committee will<br>accept only a limited number of papers that meet the criteria of originality,<br>presentation quality and topic relevance&#046; WWIC is a single&#8211;track conference<br>which has reached, within 9 years, a high quality level, which is reflected<br>both in the level of participation as well as the acceptance ratio and the<br>amount and quality of submitted papers&#046; Following the conference<br>tradition there will also be a best paper award&#046;<br>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>&#8211; AAA in mobile environments<br>&#8211; Ad&#8211;hoc mobile networks<br>&#8211; Blended network configurations<br>&#8211; Cloud and data center computing<br>&#8211; Content&#8211;centric networking<br>&#8211; Cross layer design and optimization<br>&#8211; Delay/disruptive tolerant and opportunistic networking<br>&#8211; Economical issues of challenging networks<br>&#8211; End&#8211;to&#8211;end Quality of Service support<br>&#8211; Green networking<br>&#8211; Handover techniques<br>&#8211; Heterogeneous wireless access networks<br>&#8211; Hybrid wired / wireless environments<br>&#8211; Interactions between wireless and optical networks<br>&#8211; Integration of wired and wireless networks<br>&#8211; Modeling of heterogeneity aspects<br>&#8211; Mobile service level agreements / specifications<br>&#8211; Network design and network planning<br>&#8211; Network mobility and mobility management<br>&#8211; Network coding in mobile networks<br>&#8211; Network security in mobile environments<br>&#8211; Performance evaluation of challenging networks<br>&#8211; Pricing, charging and accounting<br>&#8211; QoS signaling in mobile environments<br>&#8211; Resource management and admission control<br>&#8211; Routing in mobile and opportunistic networks<br>&#8211; Service creation and management<br>&#8211; Simulation for next generation mobile networks<br>&#8211; Space internetworking<br>&#8211; Technologies beyond 3G networks<br>&#8211; Traffic characterization and modeling<br>&#8211; Traffic engineering<br>&#8211; Transport protocols and congestion control<br>&#8211; Unified management of integrated challenging networks<br>&#8211; User&#8211;centric networking<br>&#8211; Vehicular networks<br>&#8211; Virtual and overlay networks<br>&#8211; Wireless mesh networks<br>&#8211; Wireless multimedia systems<br>&#8211; Wireless network monitoring<br>&#8211; Wireless sensor networks<br>