LASCAS′ goal is to be the International Symposium of IEEE Circuits and Systems in Latin America. Its third edition will take place in Playa del Carmen. Originally named Xaman–Ha (waters of the north) and known as the capital of the Riviera Maya, Playa del Carmen is a living vibrant part of the Maya World (Mundo Maya). Located on the beautiful Caribbean coast some 40 miles (60 Kms.) south of Cancun, Playacar, as it is now affectionately known, is the perfect base from which to explore the fascinating sites along the Cancun – Tulum Corridor of Quintana Roo (now called Mayan Riviera).<br>The symposium will cover technical novelties and tutorial overviews on circuits and systems topics including, but not limited to:<br>Analog and Digital Signal Processing<br>Biomedical Circuits and Systems<br>Multimedia Systems and Applications<br>Nanoelectronics and Gigascale Systems<br>Cellular Neural Networks and Array Computing<br>Neural Systems and Applications<br>Circuits and Systems for Communications<br>Nonlinear Circuits and Systems<br>Computer Aided Design<br>Power Systems and Power Electronic Circuits<br>Sensory Systems<br>Graph Theory and Computing<br>Visual Signal Processing and Communications<br>Life Science Systems and Applications<br>VLSI Systems and Applications<br>Electronic Testing<br>Fault Tolerant Circuits<br>
Playa del Carmen
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