The IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST) is the premier conference in all areas related to software quality. Software systems present unique engineering challenges to the tester, not least because they can exhibit non–determinism and emergent behaviour. No other engineering artefact is more closely intertwined with the human activities, resulting in complex hybrid systems that involve software, human judgement and, sometimes, political, legal and social processes.<br>As a result, software verification & validation, including testing, inspections, model analysis, safety certification, etc. draws upon a wide spectrum of disciplines, including engineering, mathematics and also psychology. It touches on all aspects of computer science and software engineering research and impacts on almost all software activities.<br>ICST seeks to address the problems in verification and validation, by bringing together researchers and practitioners for a conference that includes all aspects of software testing, as it is most widely construed. Thus, ICST welcomes research papers as well as industrial experience reports from software development and testing practitioners. For the research papers, ICST seeks high–quality original work. For the industrial papers, ICST seeks papers that present real–world experience from which others can benefit. Industrial software testing, verification, and validation pose additional challenges that must be taken into account when setting up new processes and tools successfully such as: the complexity of the system to be developed; evolving software, legacy code; integration of third–party components; requirements from a certification process; version management; product line engineering; agile development processes; distribution of teams and others.<br>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>Software testing theory and practice<br>Model–based testing<br>Domain specific testing, e.g.:<br>Security testing<br>web services testing<br>Database testing<br>Embedded software testing<br>And OO software testing<br>Verification & validation<br>Quality assurance<br>Model checking<br>Metrics & Empirical studies<br>Fuzz testing<br>Inspections<br>Tools<br>Testability and diagnosability<br>Design for testability<br>Testing education<br>Testing in multidisciplinary applications<br>Technology transfer<br>Model–driven engineering and testing<br>Agile/iterative/incremental testing processes<br>Open source software/3rdparty software testing<br>Software reliability assessment<br>Performance & QoS testing<br>Standards<br>Success stories<br>
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