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Tracks:<br>Cooperation and collaboration mechanisms<br>Collaborative computing; Cooperation as interface sharing; Collaboration as knowledge sharing; Ethics and trust in collaborative cross&#8211;domains; Cooperative emotion; Planning and managing collaborative applications and projects; Semantic and ontology challenges in collaborative environments; Cooperation and collaboration pitfalls; Groupware supporting single&#8211;display collaboration; Sharing data and decisions; Coalitions and negotiations in cooperative environments; Adaptive collaboration; Integrating cross&#8211;organizational applications; Cooperative data extraction and data integration; Secure collaboration; Dynamic cooperative environments; Visualization of cooperative processes<br>Collaborative architectures and mechanisms<br>Fundamental theoretical aspects of distributed collaboration; Methodologies and tools for design and analysis of collaborative user applications; Frameworks for human&#8211;centric based group collaboration; Distributed collaborative workflows; Architectures, protocols, and technologies for collaborative networks and systems; Collaboration and negotiation protocols; Quality of collaboration in collaborative networks, systems, and applications; Modeling for collaboration; Cloud&#8211;based collaboration; Agent&#8211;based collaborative environments; Collaboration techniques in resource intensive environments; Security, privacy and trust in collaborative networks, systems, and applications<br>Collaborative applications<br>Collaboration in pervasive computing applications; Collaborative e&#8211;education, e&#8211;learning, and collaborative computing in digital libraries; Models and mechanisms for real&#8211;time collaborative applications; Distributed technologies for group collaboration; Collaborative games; Web&#8211;based communities; New data distribution models to facilitate group collaboration; Social computing and inter&#8211;cultural collaboration;<br>Collaborative infrastructures<br>Collaborative, context&#8211;aware infrastructure; Collaborative mobile networks and infrastructures; Collaborative, location&#8211;aware mobile systems/applications; Collaborative sensor networks, unmanned air and ground vehicle networks and applications; ; Peer&#8211;to&#8211;peer and overlay networks, systems, and applications;<br>Collaborative services<br>Collaborative technologies for fast creation and deployment of new mobile services; Web services technologies and collaboration; Service&#8211;oriented architectures for collaborative networking and applications; Trusted collaborative services; Collaborative entertainment systems and services; Computer supported cooperative design; Adaptive content distribution<br>Collaborative users<br>Human/robot collaboration; Collaborative social networks and web&#8211;based collaboration; Computer supported collaborative work with distributed systems; Human&#8211;centric ubiquitous collaboration; Social networks and community discovery; Markets, auctions, exchanges, and coalitions<br>Tools and benchmarking<br>Methodologies and tools for design and analysis of collaborative user applications; Simulation, performance evaluation, experiments, and case studies of collaborative networks and applications; Dedicated hardware and software enabling collaboration; Technologies for creating dynamic social networks; P2P platforms for supporting collaboration; Energy management for collaborative networks; Tools for collaborative decision making processes; Trustworthy collaborative business processing in groupware organizations; Visualization techniques and interaction devices; Visual languages for collaborative networks and applications; Workflow management for collaborative networks/systems<br>