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<span style="font&#8211;size: 10pt;">Future Network &amp; MobileSummit 2012 will address all the challenges of building the Future Internet Infrastructure, which will be based on mobile, wireless and fixed broadband communications infrastructures&#046; It showcases European research in the field, and positions it within the multiplicity of related initiatives supported in other regions of the world&#046;<br></span><span style="font&#8211;size: 10pt;">The Scientific Programme incorporates all the key constituents of Future Communication Networks including the themes Radio Access and Spectrum, Converged and Optical Networks, Future Internet Technologies and Integrated Space Communications&#046;<br></span><span style="font&#8211;size:10&#046;0pt;">Radio Access and Spectrum: Wireless and mobile broadband systems<br>&#8211; LTE&#8211;Advanced and post&#8211;LTE systems<br>&#8211; Enabling technologies for flexible spectrum usage<br>&#8211; Next&#8211;Generation Radio System Architectures and Protocols<br>&#8211; Novel radio network technologies, including energy&#8211;efficiency<br>&#8211; Advanced Physical Layer Techniques<br>&#8211; Cognitive and Reconfigurable Radio Systems<br>&#8211; Radio Network &amp; Terminal Self&#8211;configuration/Management<br>&#8211; Radio&#8211;Fibre Integration and Femto cells</span> <p class="MsoNormal"> </p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font&#8211;size:10&#046;0pt;">Converged and Optical Networks: High&#8211;capacity end&#8211;to&#8211;end infrastructure technologies<br>&#8211; Next&#8211;generation Passive and Active (P2P) Optical Networks<br>&#8211; Gigabit Home and In&#8211;Building Networks<br>&#8211; Fixed&#8211;Mobile Convergence (Infrastructure Convergence, Centralisation in Radio&#8211;over&#8211;Fibre, Femtocells &amp; Support)<br>&#8211; High capacity, scalable, efficient and flexible metro and core optical networks<br>&#8211; Converged services over optical networks<br>&#8211; Infrastructure solutions for high performance IT services</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> </p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font&#8211;size:10&#046;0pt;">Future Internet Technologies: Novel Internet architectures, management and operation frameworks<br>&#8211; Future Internet Architectures: resilient, trust&#8211;worthy and energy&#8211;efficient<br>&#8211; Visionary and clean&#8211;slate designs<br>&#8211; Scalable Architectures for the Real World Internet<br>&#8211; Future Internet Self&#8211;Management Frameworks<br>&#8211; Network Overlay, Virtualisation and Federation<br>&#8211; Future Internet Experimental Facilities and Benchmarking<br>&#8211; Platforms and Middleware for Seamless Service &amp; Content Delivery<br>&#8211; Security, Trust and Privacy in the Future Internet</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> </p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font&#8211;size:10&#046;0pt;">Integrated Satellite Communications<br>&#8211; Very high speed broadband access via satellite<br>&#8211; Hybrid broadcast/broadband systems<br>&#8211; Integrated architectures involving SatComs<br>&#8211; Techniques enabling Flexibility, Security, Resilency<br>&#8211; Technologies &amp; management concepts for better spectrum usage efficiency</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> </p><br>