<span style="font–size: 10pt;">Future Network & MobileSummit 2012 will address all the challenges of building the Future Internet Infrastructure, which will be based on mobile, wireless and fixed broadband communications infrastructures. It showcases European research in the field, and positions it within the multiplicity of related initiatives supported in other regions of the world.<br></span><span style="font–size: 10pt;">The Scientific Programme incorporates all the key constituents of Future Communication Networks including the themes Radio Access and Spectrum, Converged and Optical Networks, Future Internet Technologies and Integrated Space Communications.<br></span><span style="font–size:10.0pt;">Radio Access and Spectrum: Wireless and mobile broadband systems<br>– LTE–Advanced and post–LTE systems<br>– Enabling technologies for flexible spectrum usage<br>– Next–Generation Radio System Architectures and Protocols<br>– Novel radio network technologies, including energy–efficiency<br>– Advanced Physical Layer Techniques<br>– Cognitive and Reconfigurable Radio Systems<br>– Radio Network & Terminal Self–configuration/Management<br>– Radio–Fibre Integration and Femto cells</span> <p class="MsoNormal"> </p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font–size:10.0pt;">Converged and Optical Networks: High–capacity end–to–end infrastructure technologies<br>– Next–generation Passive and Active (P2P) Optical Networks<br>– Gigabit Home and In–Building Networks<br>– Fixed–Mobile Convergence (Infrastructure Convergence, Centralisation in Radio–over–Fibre, Femtocells & Support)<br>– High capacity, scalable, efficient and flexible metro and core optical networks<br>– Converged services over optical networks<br>– Infrastructure solutions for high performance IT services</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> </p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font–size:10.0pt;">Future Internet Technologies: Novel Internet architectures, management and operation frameworks<br>– Future Internet Architectures: resilient, trust–worthy and energy–efficient<br>– Visionary and clean–slate designs<br>– Scalable Architectures for the Real World Internet<br>– Future Internet Self–Management Frameworks<br>– Network Overlay, Virtualisation and Federation<br>– Future Internet Experimental Facilities and Benchmarking<br>– Platforms and Middleware for Seamless Service & Content Delivery<br>– Security, Trust and Privacy in the Future Internet</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> </p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font–size:10.0pt;">Integrated Satellite Communications<br>– Very high speed broadband access via satellite<br>– Hybrid broadcast/broadband systems<br>– Integrated architectures involving SatComs<br>– Techniques enabling Flexibility, Security, Resilency<br>– Technologies & management concepts for better spectrum usage efficiency</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> </p><br>
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