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<p class="article_column" style="text&#8211;align: justify;"><span style="color: #000080;"><span style="font&#8211;size: 14px;">EEEIC is an international forum for the exchange of ideas and information on energy systems both today and in the future&#046;<br>The conference provides a unique opportunity for designers and industrial people in general to interact directly with university researchers, manufacturers and distributors of energy equipment and to discuss a wide variety of topics related to energy systems and environmental questions&#046;</span></span></p> <p class="article_column" style="text&#8211;align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 128);"><span style="font&#8211;size: 12px;">The aim of the Conference is to promote a Forum, where people involved with electrical engineering, environmental science and industry may exchange their experiences and present solutions found for actual and future problems&#046;<br>Prospective authors, both Academic and Industrial, are invited to submit papers within the scope of the Conference&#046;<br>Oral and poster sessions will be scheduled, depending on the number of papers selected for inclusion in the technical programme&#046;<br>Suggested Topics:<br>A&#046; Renewable energy sources<br>Solar energy<br>Photovoltaic cell technology<br>Hydro energy<br>Wind energy, wind turbines<br>Ocean energy: tidal and wave<br>Biomass<br>Biofuels<br>Energy Harvesting<br>B&#046; Power Supply in Telecommunications<br>C&#046; Energy storage<br>D&#046; Hydrogen based sources<br>E&#046; Power Systems<br>Power Quality<br>Smart Grids<br>Design, Control and Management<br>Protection<br>RAM (Reliability, Availability,Maintainability)<br>Grid integration of renewable energy sources<br>Management of MV/LV distribution grids with Distributed/Renewable Generation<br>F&#046; Components<br>Generators for wind turbines<br>Hydro turbines<br>Electrical generators<br>Power electronic converters for renewables<br>Hydrogen combustion<br>G&#046; Electricity Market<br>Modeling of the market characteristics and participants behavior<br>Dispatching of power systems in a market environment<br>Generation and transmission expansion in a market environment<br>H&#046; Environmental aspects and Pollution<br>I&#046; Signal Processing<br>Circuits and systems theory and applications<br>Nonlinear systems<br>Signal processing and identification<br>J&#046; Measurement science<br>Electrical quantities<br>Environmental measurements<br>K&#046; Emerging technology in industrial systems<br>L&#046; Innovative educational methods<br>and other topics within the main scope of the Conference<br></span></span></p> <p class="article_column" style="text&#8211;align: justify;"><span style="color: #000080;"><span style="font&#8211;size: 12px;"><br></span></span></p>