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We are on the threshold of a major paradigm shift in the way we deploy and deliver software systems&#046; Software delivery in the cloud and the pervasiveness of social networks and multimedia mobile services drive the demand for software technologies designed for massivescale, non&#8211;homogenous, continuously changing environments&#046; To address these requirements, modern software systems should be agile and scalable in almost every aspect&#046; At runtime, dynamically changing availability; adaptive use of resources; mining of huge data sets; and flawless execution are required&#046; During development, agile methods; rapid and continuous deployment; and consumerization of IT are becoming increasingly important&#046; SwSTE 2012 focuses on these trends and other topics in software engineering, technology, and science&#046; It provides a unique opportunity for researchers, scientists, practitioners, and managers from Israel and abroad to meet and share their ideas, results, and experiences&#046;<br><p class="ptexteng" style="text&#8211;align: justify; font&#8211;size: 10pt;"><strong>Topics of interest:</strong><br>The move to such massive&#8211;scale dynamic computing environments is changing software industry in multiple ways: new design and modeling methods are needed; testing of largescale, data&#8211;intensive environments becomes ever more complex; virtualization, new middleware technologies, and new security challenges are growing in importance; and resource optimization and parallelism techniques should be adapted to the needs of modern software systems, which include power&#8211;aware, green systems&#046; While a paper on any topic relevant to software practice and research will be considered, special emphasis will be given to papers reporting new results in software engineering, agile methods, cloud computing, embedded software development, and ways of exploiting new computing paradigms and architectures&#046;</p><br>