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The International Conference on Computer Games: AI, Animation, Mobile, Interactive Multimedia, Educational &amp; Serious Games organised by The University of Wolverhampton, England, is one of the leading research conferences devoted to the advancement of the theory and practice of games development&#046; It brings together an international community of experts to discuss the state of the art, new research results, perspectives of future developments and innovative applications relevant to games development and related areas&#046; We are proud to announce that this years conference is sponsored by the University of Wolverhampton&#046; More information about other conferences can be found at <a href="http://www&#046;cgames&#046;org/&quot; target="_blank">CGAMES Main Website</a><br>The conference will cover, but is not restricted to, the following topics:<br>Tools and Systems for Games and Virtual Reality<br>Games platforms, toolkits, mechanics, frameworks, engines, APIs and libraries, and middleware, Scripting engines<br>Game interfaces (input devices, speech, gestures)<br>Content generation tools (modelling, texturing, animation, motion capture, sound, level designer)<br>Game AI<br>Neural networks, genetic algorithms, Finite State Machines, fuzzy logics, rule&#8211;based AI, probability systems, Bayesian techniques, path finding, potential functions, flocking<br>Learning, adaptation and evolution<br>Believable characters, models, agent architecture, memory, game bots<br>Multi&#8211;Agent Simulation systems (MAS)<br>Game AI for research and simulation<br>Simulation, Graphics &amp; Visualisation<br>Immersive Environments, virtual environments, virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality<br>Real&#8211;time rendering and shaders<br>Procedural generation (particles, textures, objects, terrains, worlds)<br>Game Physics, NURBS, skeletal animation, facial animation<br>Level&#8211;Of&#8211;Detailing, image&#8211;based rendering, photo realism<br>Serious Games and Games for Research<br>Edutainment, games for education and training, learning &amp; teaching aids, technology&#8211;supported learning, simulations, developments and applications<br>Disaster Management, crowd simulation, crime scene investigation, medical training, situation awareness, games&#8211;based therapy, games for science<br>Social and Humanities Aspects of Games<br>Gender in games, violence, and pervasive games<br>The Player<br>Games and Society<br>Gaming Communities<br>Online Games and Distributed Simulation, Multi&#8211;user, Mobile Games, and Security<br>Games for mobile, Tablets, handheld, and connected systems<br>MUDs, MMOGs, MMORPGs<br>Games development for iPad, iPhone, and Android Phones and Tablets<br>Ambient learning environments for mobile devices and ad&#8211;hoc networking<br>Load Balancing and distributed Techniques<br>Distributed Simulation Tools and Techniques for Mobile and Online Games (High level architecture, communication protocols, peer to peer architectures, publish/subscribe techniques, scalability and Interoperability, etc&#046;)<br>Learning, information support activities<br>Game Security<br>Future Games<br>Generative/Procedural content development (characters, models, music, worlds)<br>Physics&#8211;based games<br>Emergence in Games<br>Mixed&#8211;Reality and Augmented Reality for Games<br>Future Games Interfaces: Touch, Gestures, Multi&#8211;Point UI<br>Emerging Games Platforms, Technologies and Applications<br>Cloud computing Games<br>Distributed Games, Tools, and services<br>Cloud Based Tools and Services<br>Emerging Games Genres and Platforms<br>Computational Techniques and Architectures<br>Image Processing in Games<br>Information Storage and Retrieval<br>Inclusive Areas<br>Interactive robots and toys, virtual pets<br>Games Technology and ambient intelligence for next generation games<br>Sensors based interaction with the environment<br>Game Design and Simulation<br>Games genres<br>Games simulation<br>Level design<br>Adaptable Interactive Interfaces<br>Game Images<br>Visual aesthetics<br>Animation, Graphics, and Visualization<br>Sound &amp; Music<br>Sound design<br>Music composition<br>