The WSS 2012 organising committee welcomes contributions in the general areas of wireless sensor systems and distributed systems.<br>Submitted papers may range from research concepts and ideas to technical issues and industrial applications.<br>Contributions are encouraged from, but not limited to, the themes and topics in the following areas:<br>– Innovative architectures for new developments of sensors and actuators<br>– Cooperative wireless sensor systems, clustering and beamforming<br>– Unstructured networking, ad hoc networking, relaying and ubiquitous access<br>– Sensor intelligence, data processing, multi agent systems<br>– Spectrum sensing systems, cognitive radio and spectrum sharing networks<br>– Scarce resource management, energy harvesting and cross layer techniques – sensor use of cloud computing, middleware and distributed intelligence<br>– Sensor integration of barcode technology, RFID, smart metering, remote control and the Internet–of–Things (?IoT?)<br>– New applications sensors in healthcare, surveillance and traffic<br>– New applications sensors in smart home, smart office and smart ambient<br>– Applications of WSS for observation of global resources and monitoring geological activities weather and toxins<br>
Deadline Paper
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End Date