<pre>Research and practice in system verification and testing are roughly divided into two major paradigms: formal verification and dynamic verification (testing). Within each paradigm, algorithms and techniques may differ considerably between hardware–related solutions and software–related solutions. However, the common underlying goal of these techniques, across paradigms and system types, is to ensure the correct functionality and performance of complex systems. HVC is the only conference that brings together researchers and practitioners from all verification and testing sub–fields, thereby encouraging the migration of methods and ideas among domains. HVC 2011 invites the submission of technical papers reporting original research and experience results in all sub–fields of testing and verification applicable to software, hardware, and hybrid systems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Simulation–based verification * Formal verification methods * High–level stimuli generation * Equivalence checking * SAT–based verification algorithms * Classification of hardware bugs * Static analysis * Design for verifiability * Hardware/software co–verification * Debugging * Emulation and acceleration * Formal modeling and specification * Post–silicon validation * CSP–based functional verification * Formal specification languages * Model checking * Quality assurance * Testing methodologies * Defect prevention * Test–driven development * Hybrid verification methods * Model–based testing * Verification coverage * Developer testing * Review and inspection * Semi–formal verification * Test automation and automated test generation * Coverage analysis and test minimization * Test planning * Testing and analysis of concurrent software * Domain specific testing and analysis * Functional and performance testing </pre>
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