EEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME) is pleased to announce its Special Issue of TBME LETTERS on “Health Informatics and Personalized Medicine†to be published in September/October 2012.<br>With the inclusion of Electronic Health Care, Point–of–Care technologies, E–Health and M–Health protocols, health informatics is entering into another era to convert massive amounts of clinical and molecular data into information and knowledge to enable personalized medicine. Health informatics deals with the acquisition, transmission, processing, storage, retrieval of information in healthcare. For example, the medical and health care information databases are leading to the development of new knowledge bases, discoveries in medical research and clinical translational research resulting in evidence–based guidelines for patient care. Perhaps this is the era that will redefine clinical engineering and applications specifically in personalized medicine.<br>IEEE TBME Letters Special Issue on “Health Informatics and Personalized Medicine†will publish short manu–scripts (up to 4 printed pages) of novel methodologies with high potential impact and early breakthroughs. As the emphasis is on publication of early breakthrough novel methodologies in a timely manner, a full statistical validation is not required however a feasibility study with a proof of concept may be demonstrated.<br>
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