The annual Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC 2012) will take place in London, Ontario, Canada from October 10 to 12, 2012.<br>Resilient Green Energy Systems for a Sustainable Society.<br>London is located in the heart of Southwestern Ontario midway between Toronto and Detroit.<br>The conference is an opportunity for electric power and energy systems experts from industry, academia, and other interested organizations to discuss the latest developments in the field. This may include debate on the potential impact of these developments including discussions on regulatory and policy aspects.<br>EPEC 2012 is hosted by the Sections of the Central Area of IEEE Canada and IEEE Canada (IEEE Region 7): London Section, Kitchener/Waterloo Section, Hamilton Section, Toronto Section, Peterborough Section, and Kingston Section.<br>EPEC 2012 proceedings are included in EI Compendex, IEEE Xplore and ISI Proceedings.<br>Papers are invited on all topics of interest related to electric power and energy including but not limited to:<br>HVDC & FACTS<br>Smart Grid<br>Wind Power & Solar<br>Computational Methods<br>Advanced Technology Developments<br>
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