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SAMOS is a premier and well&#8211;established conference on embedded systems organized annually since 2001&#046; The conference brings together researchers from academia and industry on the quiet and inspiring northern mountainside of the Mediterranean island of Samos&#046; It provides an environment where collaboration rather than competition is fostered&#046; The conference considers new state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art mature research papers on all aspects of embedded processor hardware/software design and integration&#046; SAMOS XII has IEEE technical co&#8211;sponsorship by the IEEE CAS Society (pending) and the IEEE SSCS Germany Chapter and the conference proceedings will be published in the IEEE Xplore (pending)&#046; Authors are invited to submit technical papers in accordance to the author&#8242;s instructions describing original work in one of the following tracks:<br>The Applications, Systems, Architectures, and Processors Track<br>This track focuses on advances in the efficient execution of code across many platform domains&#046; New microarchitectural techniques to improve the performance of vector, reconfigurable, multimedia, graphics, real&#8211;time, embedded, multithreading, SDR and low power processor architectures by exploiting novel parallel execution, memory hierarchies and cache architectures are welcomed&#046; Moreover this track presents advances in efficient application execution and system implementation technologies exploiting novel architectural and microarchitectural techniques&#046; Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):<br>Novel Architectures and Micro&#8211;architectures for Embedded Systems<br>Application&#8211;specific and Domain&#8211;specific Embedded Systems<br>Embedded Reconfigurable Processors<br>Multimedia and Graphics Architectures and Processors<br>Energy&#8211;Aware and Low&#8211;Power Processors<br>Embedded Parallel Systems and Multiprocessor Systems&#8211;On&#8211;Chip<br>Memory Management and Smart Caches<br>Network&#8211;on&#8211;Chip Interconnects<br>Digital Signal Processors / Software Defined Radios<br>The Modeling, Design, and Design Space Exploration Track<br>This track focuses on design processes for embedded systems: specification and modeling languages and simulation, hardware/software and system synthesis and compilation strategies; performance and power estimation and analysis; design and design space exploration methodologies&#046; Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):<br>Hardware/Software and Algorithm/Architecture Co&#8211;design<br>Design Space Exploration Strategies, Algorithms and CAD Tools<br>Specification Languages and Models<br>System&#8211;Level Design, Simulation, and Verification<br>Hardware, Software and System Synthesis Techniques and CAD Tools<br>MP&#8211;SoC and Platform Based Design Methodologies<br>MP&#8211;SoC Programming, Compilers, Simulation and Mapping Technologies<br>Profiling, Measurement and Analysis Techniques and CAD Tools<br>(Design for) System Adaptivity<br>Testing and Debugging<br>